Professor Basma Ellahi
Research Professor

Basma Ellahi RNutr is Associate Dean of Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Society at the University of Chester, UK. She provides strategic leadership support to the Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Executive Dean, to shape, implement and deliver the University's Research and Knowledge Exchange Strategy and relevant Key Performance Indicators, including the Research Excellence Framework and Knowledge Exchange Framework and Postgraduate Research provision. Professor Ellahi is an experienced researcher and lecturer in nutrition, health and research methods using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Basma is a member of the Association for Nutrition (AfN) as a Registered Nutritionist. She has been a Trustee for the AfN (2013-2016) and the Honorary Officer for International Affairs for the Nutrition Society (2016-2019). Basma's research focusses on co-production and engagement in research for priority nutrition and health topics with ethnic minority communities in the UK. She ensures inclusion of participants from diverse, often disadvantaged, communities in research.
Teaching and Supervision
Professor Ellahi is an experienced lecturer, having taught nutrition and health over a number of years and focussing more recently on research methods and particularly doctoral and post-doctoral development. She teaches leadership, change management and evidence based-practice within the context of project innovation in healthcare settings and supervisors postgraduate taught and research students on projects ranging from systematic reviews to intervention studies. As Chair of the School of Nursing and Health Education Research Ethics Sub-Committee in the Faculty, Professor Ellahi brings significant experience having examined over 35 doctoral thesis in the UK and globally. Through her professional body activities (member of the Nutrition Society), she also delivers regular researcher development workshops in sub-Saharan Africa and Pakistan.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Professor Ellahi's research and community work have focussed on the nutrition and health of ethnic communities and in particular south Asian communities, in the prevention of chronic diseases and includes approaches to weight management, exploring inter-generational differences, inclusivity and cultural needs. She is currently Chair of the Nutrition Society Special Interest Group on Diet and Health of Ethnic Minority groups in the UK, a network of those working and researching in this space. Her current research interests focus on the food and nutrition needs of older adults in the UK and beyond, and addressing food insecurity in diverse and disadvantaged groups. She is an experienced mixed-methods researcher. She is a co-opted member of the Scientific Advisory Group on Nutrition (SACN) Nutrition and Maternal Health working group,