Professor John Brammer
Prior to joining Chester in early 2016, John worked at Aston University as a Lecturer then a Senior Lecturer in Chemical Engineering. He started at Aston in 1997 as a Research Assistant, and completed a PhD in 2001 in the production of energy from biomass. John obtained a Lectureship in the Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry subject group in 2002, and since then has developed his teaching across a range of subjects, as well as his research in the area of sustainable energy systems. He obtained a Senior Lectureship in 2013. John moved to Chester in 2016 to take up a Chair in Chemical Engineering. At Chester he has continued his teaching in the areas of heat transfer, process design, process simulation, process economics and sustainable energy, and also his research into sustainable energy systems. He because Programme Leader for Chemical Engineering programmes in 2020. Before entering academia, John worked extensively in industry, with both Rolls-Royce plc on aero gas turbine combustion, and with PowerGen plc primarily on stationary boilers. His employment record is as follows 2016 - present: Professor in Chemical Engineering, University of Chester 2013 - 2015: Senior Lecturer, Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Aston University 2002 - 2013: Lecturer, Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Aston University 1997 - 2002: Research Assistant, Bioenergy Research Group, Aston University. 1990 - 1995: Group Leader, Combustion Section, Power Technology, PowerGen plc., Nottingham 1983 - 1990: Technologist, Combustion Department, Engineering Division, Rolls-Royce plc, Derby
Teaching and Supervision
John teaches the following subjects to students on Chemical Engineering undergraduate programmes: Heat Transfer to Level 4 and 6 students Process Simulation to Level 7 students Process Design Principles to Level 6 students Process Economics to Level 6 students Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems to Level 6 students Design Project to Level 6 students MEng Research Project to Level 7 students
Research and Knowledge Exchange
John's research interests are in the field of energy production systems, in particular bio-energy systems. He specialises in overall system modelling and analysis, and also in computational fluid dynamics analysis of individual plant components. He also carries out experimental research in gasification and pyrolysis systems. John has supervised nine PhD students to successful completion in various topics related to energy systems. Recent research funding: 1 EC Marie Curie IAPP project; 1 Innovate UK Localised Energy Systems project; 2 EPSRC DTA grants under Supergen programme; 3 EPSRC Industrial CASE awards; 1 Innovate UK KTP award.