Dr Julie Kirkham

Senior Lecturer

Dr Julie Kirkham


Julie is Programme Leader for the MSc Family and Child Psychology. Julie’s research integrates aspects of developmental, cognitive and educational Psychology, looking at the relationships between language and other areas of cognition during early and middle childhood. Her main research focus is upon the development of, and relationships between, language, pretend play and drawing. She has also researched the influence of alternative educational systems upon symbolic development (e.g., Steiner and Montessori Education) and the development of aesthetic understanding across the lifespan.

Teaching and Supervision

Julie is programme leader for the MSC Family and Child Psychology and teaches across a range of modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level looking a child development, psychopathology, developmental disorders and applied psychology. Julie also supervises research dissertations at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD level.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Julie has research interests in the following areas: Children’s development in language, drawing and pretend play and the inter-relationships between these symbolic systems. Children’s development and learning in alternative education systems Children’s art and aesthetic understanding The role and status of play during early years education Fantasy proneness, creativity and associated individual differences throughout the lifespan Children’s imaginary companions and their developmental correlates

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