Dr Julian Lloyd

Senior Lecturer

Dr  Julian Lloyd


Julian joined the department in 2008 as a Senior Lecturer. Broadly, his research interests focus on the influence of social relationships on the development and social functioning of children, young people and adults. This includes a specific interest in scale design and development.

Teaching and Supervision

At undergraduate Julian contributes to Developmental Psychology (PS6002) at Level 6, Becoming a Psychological Researcher (PS5015) and the Power of Parenting and Education (PS5020) at Level 5., and Core Topics in Psychology (PS4010) and Psychological Research Methods and Skills (PS4005). At postgraduate level Julian is module leader for Family Lifestyle and Transition (PS7306), and contributes to Child and Adolescent Development (PS7304) and Developmental Psychology for Conversion (PS7113). Furthermore, he is an undergraduate and postgraduate research dissertation supervisor.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Julian's recent research has focused on the relationship between interpersonal parental acceptance, rejection sensitivity and psychosocial adjustment. Previous research focused on the development of the Retrospective Childhood Fantasy Play Scale (Kirkham, Lloyd & Stockton, 2018), and the Adult Parental Power/Prestige Questionnaire (3PQ; Lloyd, 2015). Also,, he collaborated on a cross-cultural investigation of parental acceptance-rejection involving eleven countries (Lloyd, Ward, & Blackwell-Young, 2014). Furthermore, he is interested in research on bullying and cyber-bullying (Boulton, Lloyd, Down, & Mark, 2012).

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