Kirstie Simpson
Dean - Business School

I have been engaged in workforce development for over 30 years in relation to sport where I am now leading at an international level. More recently, I have had the opportunity to apply these skills and experience to the work I undertake with local authorities as well as in Net Zero-related activities both regionally and nationally. I have been able to move between very different sectors due to my ability to focus on the process of knowledge exchange, ensuring the appropriate application to the sector in which I am operating and my passion for developing people. My contribution to workforce development most recently has been in the globally critical area of industrial decarbonisation. As Principal Investigator for the University’s contribution to the nationally recognised Net Zero North West (NZNW) Cluster Plan, I have focussed on regional skills for Net Zero, I led the production of a Recommendations Report which was then implemented through my delivery of a regional-level workshop with key stakeholders from industry and government. One outcome of this workshop is a significant focus on the skills needed to enhance real employment opportunities within the industrial decarbonisation supply chain in the North West. Another is the validation of the co-produced North West Business Leadership Team (NWBLT) Net Zero Skills Charter which was launched at the Great Northern Conference. I am North West Academic Lead for the Industrial Decarbonisation Research and Innovation Centre (IDRIC) and led the University’s contribution to the nationally recognised HyNet North West project. My work, in relation to these UKRI funded projects, is focussed on workforce development and skills and has attracted a total value of c£650k to the University (from total project values of over £70million and over £20 million respectively).
Teaching and Supervision
Over the past 23 years, I have designed and delivered teaching from Level 4 to Level 7 in areas of management, leadership and strategic thought and action.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
My research and knowledge exchange interests are workforce development, development of skills supply chain and organisational character and culture.