Mike Brownsell
Head of Division

Associate Professor and Head of Directorate for the Practice Assessment Record & Evaluation (PARE) Service. Mike is a registered general nurse of over 30 years experience in both the NHS and military environments. Currently a Lieutenant Colonel in 206 Multi Role Regiment, Mike has been able to blend his interests in major trauma and emergency nursing, with a long term focus on leadership and team dynamics. Having completed a PhD in 2016 on staff and student experience of e-learning, Mike was able to incorporate that work into an interest in practice assessment and develop the PARE service. PARE delivers a range of online practice assessment and digitised quality monitoring tools to over 40 higher education institutions across the UK.
Teaching and Supervision
Due to the nature of Mike's current role, teaching practice gravitates toward webinars, online workshops, and digital assessment presentations. Within his military role, Mike provides teaching of clinical skills application to austere care environments to a range of field hospital and close support personnel.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Mike’s research interests align with his current role as associate professor responsible for the development of the practice assessment record and evaluation service, and his role as Lt Col within Army Medical Services. • Educator and learner experience of digital education and practice experience support • Care of ballistic injury within an austere environment • Clinical skills competency assessment