Dr Maria Sotenko
Senior Lecturer

As a student, Maria investigated Pt-containing catalysts for car exhausts afterburning and the mechanism of methanol synthesis from syngas during her BSc and MSc projects carried out at Boreskov Institute of Catalysis (BIC), one of the biggest scientific institutes in Russia. During her PhD, received in 2010, Maria had a chance to work at two different universities, Bath University and Warwick University, while working on a multi-disciplinary project called “Bi-catalytic conversion of glycerol to value-added products”. In 2012, after a career break, Maria undertook a short postdoctoral position at Bath University (developing continuous C-H functionalization of arenes using Pd/Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles in a microreactor) and then a 3-year postdoctoral position at Warwick Manufacturing Group, Warwick University, working on a project called “Cleaning Land for Wealth” (CL4W) which combined expertise in phytoremediation, biomass bio-degradation and composites manufacturing. In 2016-2019 Maria worked as a University Teacher at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University while also focusing on the procurement of phenolic compounds from lignocellulose and the recovery of precious metals using fungi. Maria’s work on biomineralization of Pd was featured by Reuters whereas The Independent published Maria’s article on “Wealth from waste – three ways pollution can be turned into something useful”. Maria also provided R&D consulting support for several start-ups before taking up the post of Lecturer at Chester University and co-founding Novatica Technologies ltd.
Teaching and Supervision
Maria is involved in various teaching activities, such as lecture development and delivery, supervision of tutorials, workshops and seminars, laboratory development and supervision, Turnitin assessment, BEng, and MEng project students supervision. Maria contributes to teaching the following modules: SE4011 Materials Processing and Manufacture SE4025 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Transport Processes SE5061 Process Analysis Methods SE4008 Biotechnology
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Maria’s interests lie in generating wealth from waste or low-value substrates using biotechnology (enzymes, bacteria, fungi), with specific attention to life cycle and techno-economic assessments. In her research projects, Maria implements the principle of tandem or cascade procurement of value-added products while utilizing waste and/or remediating soil, air, or water as a suitable approach for sustainable process engineering and process intensification. Maria’s portfolio of projects is multidisciplinary, ranging from composites manufacturing, bio-catalytic processes, and life cycle analysis to phytoremediation, CO2 capture, and biorefinery. The main focus of Maria’s research is devoted to the following themes: 1. Wealth from waste: turning waste feedstocks into a range of value-added products for applications in the pharma, cosmetics, and nutraceuticals sectors. 2. Biorefinery process development, including antioxidant and antimicrobial chemical compounds from biomass feedstocks. 3. Cleaning soil and wastewater of metals using a phytoremediation-biorefinery tandem approach. 4. Biogenic catalytic metallic nanoparticles and novel applications of bio-catalysts. 5. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and techno-economic analyses.