Professor Arpan Guha
Dean, Chester Medical School

Arpan is a critical care medicine doctor by training and has held significant leadership positions in academia and the NHS. He has been Professor and Head of the Postgraduate School of Medicine and a key member of the Undergraduate School of Medicine at the University of Liverpool and also holds a number of visiting Professor roles in the UK and internationally. He currently holds responsibility for the strategic direction of Chester Medical School. He has held Executive Medical Director roles in NHS Trusts and in Health Boards in the UK, as well as in the Middle East.
His approach to education is informed always by the student perspective and the ultimate impact of healthcare related education on patient care.
He still practices clinical medicine.
Arpan has led the development of innovative courses of learning, often using technology enhanced learning approaches for an international reach.
He currently teaches health care leadership, quality improvement methods and patient safely, which are all informed by his own research.
Patient safety
Quality improvement
Simulation facilitated learning
Human factors in healthcare
- Fairclough G, FitzMaurice TS, Lewis M, Guha A. Avoidance of Mortality and Morbidity in Inter-Hospital Transfers. Pat Saf Qual Improv. 2017; 5:601-605
- Spodniewska E. Constipation in Critically Ill Patients: Still an Unresolved Problem. Anaes, Crit Care and Pain Mgmt. 2017;1: 27-30
- Sharma, A, Halawa, A, Prescott, D, Bridson, J-M, Guha, A, et al. Implementation of Critical Threshold Concept in Clinical Transplantation: A New Horizon in Distance Learning. WJ Ed Res, 2017;4 (2), 301-12
- Lewis M; FitzMaurice T; Fairclough G; Guha A. Academic Efficacy and Cost Analysis of a Free-To-Use Bedside Teaching Programme in Enhancing The Learning Experience of Medical Students: A View From a UK Teaching Hospital. WJ Med Ed Res, 2017;1(12),25-30
- Halawa, A, Sharma, AK, Bridson, JM, Prescott, D, Taylor, DCM, Guha, A. Assessing Competence of NHS Consultants: Challenges and Possible Solutions. J Med Ed Train. 2017;1,1:015
- Halawa, A., Sharma, A., Bridson, JM., Prescott, D., Lyon, S, Guha, A et al. A Combination of Teacher-Led Assessment and Self-Assessment Drives the Learning Process in Online Master Degree in Transplantation. 2017;WJ Ed, 7,85- 92.
- Scott, N., Squibbs, J., Lake, A., & Guha, A. (2016). Risks of Intravenous Fluid Therapy by First Year Residents – A Prospective Study. Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 15(4), 1-13.
- Guha A. Leadership in anaesthesia: A brief review. J Neuroanaeth Crit Care 2016;3:53-5.
- Guha A. Raising the profile of medication safety at Board level – tips for success. In: Clark C [Ed]. Supporting Safer Medication, Reducing the risk of injectable medications.. Aesculap Academia, UK. 2016 arpan guha, academic Nov 2022 9
- Moneypenny M, Guha, A, et al. Don’t Follow your leader: challenging erroneous decision. Clinical Leadership Made Easy: Integrating Theory and Practice. 2015. Quay Books. Lond.
- Moneypenny M, Guha A, Mercer SJ, O’Sullivan H, McKimm J. Don't follow your leader: challenging erroneous decisions. Br J Hosp Med . 2013 Dec;74(12):687-90.
- O’Sullivan H, Guha A, Moneypenny M. Assessing leadership skills in medical undergraduates. In Essential Simulation in Clinical Education Kirsty Forrest, Judy McKimm, Simon Edgar [ed]. p238, Wiley. 2013
- Mercer SJ, Guha A, Ramesh VJ. The P-POSSUM scoring systems for predicting the mortality of neurosurgical patients undergoing craniotomy: Further validation of usefulness and application across healthcare systems. Ind J Anaesth 2013; 57:587-91
- Mercer SJ, Moneypenny MJ, Fredy O, Guha A. What should be included in a simulation course for anaesthetists? The Merseyside trainee perspective. Eur J Anaesthesiol: 2012: 29(3):137-42 · Guha A. Human factors and the use of injectable medicines. In: Reducing the Risks of Injectable Medicines. Aesculap Academia, UK. 2011.
- Marchetti A, Jayachandran A, Guha A. Post-traumatic invasive mucormycosis. JICS: 2011: 12(2): 143-4
- Hampshire PA, Guha A, Strong A, Parsons D, Rowan P. An evaluation of the Charlson co-morbidity score for predicting sepsis after elective major surgery. Ind J Crit Care Med.: 2011;15:1; 30—36
- Hampshire P, Guha A, Welters I, Murphy J, Poole L. Bispectral index monitoring reduces sedative and vasopressor requirements during percutaneous tracheostomy. Critil Care 2011, 15(Suppl 1):P348
- Mercer SJ, Guha A. Assessing the implementation of guidelines for the management of the potentially injured cervical spine in unconscious trauma patients in England. J Trauma. 2010 Jun;68(6):1445-50
- Mercer SJ, Jones ND, Guha A. A clinical fellowship in simulation in health care. BMJ Careers. 2010. Available at Accessed 26 July 2010.
- Guha A, Andrews F, McCann J, Pugh R. Correspondence regarding: ‘Critical care consultants as organ donation champions — could there be a conflict of interest?'. JICS. 2010. 11,284-5
- Kuduvalli PM, Parker CJR, Leuwer M,, Guha A. Retention and Transferability of Team-Resource-Management Skills in Anaesthetic Emergencies: the Longer Term Impact of a High-Fidelity Simulation-Based Course. Eur J Anaesth. 2009, Jan;26(1):17-22.
- Mercer SJ, Moneypenny MJ, Guha A. Listening to the End-User: Designing a Simulation Course for Senior Trainees in Anaesthesia in the United Kingdom. Simulation in Healthcare 2009; 4: 274 arpan guha, academic Nov 2022 10
- Guha A,. Moneypenny MJ, Mercer SJ.. Simulation and training in anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth, 2009;103 (5):770
- Mercer S, Ramesh V, Guha A. A United Kingdom Evaluation of POSSUM and PPOSSUM Scoring Systems for Predicting the Mortality of Neurosurgical Patients Undergoing Craniotomy. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. Volume 21, Number 3, July 2009. 276-7.
- Sengupta S, Guha A, Rudra A, Maitra G, Kumar P, Roy K. Intensive Insulin Therapy for Critically Ill Patients: Is It The Necessary Standard of Care? Ind J Anaesth. 2008; 52(1): 23-27
- Ramesh VJ, Rao GSU, Guha A, Thennarasu K. Evaluation of POSSUM and PPOSSUM scoring systems for predicting the mortality in elective neurosurgical patients. Brit J Neurosurg, April 2008; 22(2): 275 – 278
- Lakhani S, Guha A, Nahser HC. Anaesthesia for endovascular management of cerebral aneurysms. Eur J Anaesthesiol, Volume 23, Issue 11, November 2006, 902-913
- Sethuraman D, Darshane S, Guha A Charters, P. A randomized, crossover study of Dorges, McCoy and Macintosh laryngoscope blades in a standardised difficult intubation scenario. Anaesthesia, 2006, 61, 482–487
- Guha A. “Head Injury Research: What Have We Learned?”. TraumaCare. 2005. Volume 15 Number 1;67-69
- Guha A, Lakhani S, Whitehead CF. Re:Moderate hypothermia for 359 operations to clip cerebral aneurysms. 22nd March, 2005
- Guha A. “Management of traumatic brain injury : some current evidence and applications.” Postgrad Med J 2004;80:650-653
- Tan NH, Guha A, Scawn NDA, Pennefather SH, and Russell GN. “Optimal concentration of epidural fentanyl in bupivacaine 0.1% after thoracotomy.” Br J Anaesth. 2004, 92: 670-674
- Guha A, Scawn NDA, Rogers SA, Pennefather SH, Russell GN. Gastric emptying in post-thoracotomy patients receiving a thoracic fentanyl-bupivacaine epidural infusion: Eur J Anaesthesiol 2002, 19: 652 – 657
- Guha A, Mostafa SM, Kendall JB. "The Montgomery T-tube: anaesthetic problems and solutions". Br J Anaesth 2001, 87: 787-790. · Guha A. "The use of central venous cannulae in neuroanesthesia." Anaesthesia 2001, 56: 1014.
- Guha A. "Unusual hypotension on the intensive care unit." Crit Care 2001, · Guha A. " Prehospital care of trauma must be improved in UK". BMJ 2001; 3