Professor Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead
Head of Medical Sciences

Professor Elizabeth Mason-Whitehead, PhD, BA (Hons), RN, RM, RHV, ONC has responsibility for Medical Sciences in Chester and University Centre Shrewsbury. Elizabeth is committed to supporting staff and students to work and learn in an environment which is caring, kind and collegiate in preparing students to have rewarding careers and serve their communities.
Elizabeth started her academic career as a lecturer at the University of Liverpool, joined Chester in 2000 and was awarded professorial title as Professor of Health and Social Care in 2009.
She qualified at St. George’s Hospital London and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Stanmore and University of Liverpool in nursing, midwifery, health visiting and education.
Elizabeth has worked in community and hospital settings, urban and rural. Her experiences of working with families, marginalized through economic deprivation and stigma of illness and disease, led Elizabeth to undertake a BA (Hons) Sociology and subsequently her PhD in the construction and understanding of stigma of teenage pregnancy (University of Liverpool). Her commitment to inter-disciplinary learning and working is rooted in how communities working together with a range of health and social care professionals can lead to positive outcomes.
Her academic work includes mature graduate students undertaking doctoral study. She has 22 successful PhD completions, with her students often applying their doctoral findings to their own careers in medicine, health and social care. Her outputs include a wide range of text-books, research articles addressing research, education and stigma. Elizabeth has had a variety of external examiner appointments, including King’s College London and currently the University of Edinburgh. She is asked to give presentations, examine PhD students throughout the UK, chair doctoral viva examinations, review professorial applications, and review papers and books. Internationally, she has connections with The Leprosy Mission including Allahabad, India. Elizabeth established the University of Chester’s Historical Society and Museum to celebrate the history of the NHS and was subsequently awarded funding to recognize the role of medicine and nursing during the First World War. This initiative, working with colleagues across the University with volunteers from the city of Chester demonstrates our role as educators in enriching and serving the wider society.
Programme leadership, PhD supervision, teaching
- Over 50 MSc successful dissertation completions
- 14 successful PhD completions
I am currently supervising eight PhD engaged in a wide range of research projects, examples include; stigma, mental health, higher education, experiences of veterans, occupational health, womens education in Afghanistan and leprosy stigma.
Current Programme Leadership and Teaching Responsibilities
- Programme Leader Clinical MD (Doctor of Medicine)
- Programme Leader MSc Rural Health
- Programme Leader MMed
- Module Leader Professional Doctorate, Writing for Publication (level 8)
- Reflection and reflective practice (levels 7 & 8)
- Qualitative research
- Physician Associate programme
Current Research: 2017: The Leprosy Mission Maureen and Eddie Askew Bursary
Stigma of leprosy research conducted in Allahabad, India, using qualitative research methods and visual methodology to identify felt stigma of people affected by leprosy, with the aim of developing a stigma intervention tool.
Additional Stigma Research: I have been engaged with stigma research, publishing, teaching and supervision since I was awarded my PhD in 2000. Examples of my previous projects include:
- ‘Stigma to equality in health and social care’, a single authored text to be published by Sage in 2020
- Stigma of teenage pregnancy.
- Stigma of bowel disease
- I am always interested to meet potential new PhD students, particularly those involved in researching stigma and discrimination.
Worsley, A., Mann, T., Olsen, A. & Mason-Whitehead (2013). Key Concepts in Social Work Practice. London: Sage Publications
Mcintosh-Scott, A., Mason, T., Mason-Whitehead, E., & Coyle, D. (2013) Key Concepts in Nursing and Healthcare Research. London: Sage Publications
Mcintosh, A., Gidman, J. Mason-Whitehead (2010) (ed.) Key Concepts in Healthcare Education. London: Sage
Mason-Whitehead, E. Mason, T.(2007) Study Skills for Nurses. 2nd Edition. London: Sage
Mason-Whitehead, E., (2007) Mcintosh, A., Bryan, A. & Mason, T. (ed.) Key Concepts in Nursing. London: Sage
Mason, T. & Whead, E.(2003) Thinking Nursing. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Whitehead, E. & Mason, T. (2003) Study Skills for Nurses. London: Sage
Mason, T., Carlisle, C., Watkins, C. & Whitehead, E. (2001) Stigma and Social Exclusion in Health. London: Routledge
Journal Articles
Ridgway, V. Mason-Whitehead, E., Mcintosh-Scott, A. (2018) Visual perceptions of ageing: a longitudinal mixed methods study of UK undergraduate student nurses’ attitudes and perceptions towards older people. Nurse Education in Practice (Accepted Aug. 2018)
Mason- Whitehead E (2018) (Leprosy Review)“Looking at me”: Using visual methodology analyse and challenge the stigma of leprosy in Northern India (Under construction)
Dibley, L., Norton, C., Mason-Whitehead, E (2017) Journal of Advanced Nursing. The experience of stigma in inflammatory bowel disease; an interpretive (hermeneutic) phenomenological study
Diorgu, F., Steen M., Keeling J., Mason-Whitehead, E. (2016) Exploring Nigerian obstetricians’ perspectives on maternal birthing positions and perineal trauma. Evidence Based Midwifery 14(2): 64-70
Dibley, L., Norton, C., Mason-Whitehead (2015) GUT, PWE-055 Stigma in inflammatory bowel disease: building resilience
Mason-Whitehead, E., (2013), Ridgway, V., Barton, J. Passed without a stroke: A UK mixed method study exploring student nurses' knowledge of stroke
Nurse Education Today, Volume 33, Issue 9, Pages 998-1002
Richman, J., Mason, T., Mason-Whitehead, E., Mcintosh, A. (2009) Social Aspects of Clinical Errors.
International Journal of Nursing Studies. Do1:10.1016/jijnurstu.2009.10.06
Whitehead, E. (2008) Can teach, will teach? Sex education in schools. British Journal of School Nursing. Oct. 266-70
Whitehead, E. (2008) An exploratory study of teenage pregnant women: differences in demography and relationship formation. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 14: 292-295
Whitehead, E, Mason, T. & Ellis, J. Retention and Recruitment of Nursing (2007)
British Journal of Nursing
Whitehead, E (2007) Understanding the intergenerational factors associated with teenage pregnant women. Midwifery
Flynn, S. & Whitehead, E (2006) An exploration of issues related to nurse led clinics. Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing.10,86-94
Whitehead, E & Mason, T. (2006) Assessment of risk and special observations in mental health practice: a comparison of forensic and non-forensic settings. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Mason, T. & Whitehead, E. (2005) The social construction of stigma in healthcare settings. In: A.Boran (ed.) Decoding discrimination: inequality, distinction or difference: Chester; Chester Academic Press
Whitehead, E. (2001) We should have known better: exploring the impact of pregnancy on the mental health of teenage women. Mental Health Care. 4 (1): 22-25.
Whitehead, E. (2001) Teenage pregnancy: on the road to social death. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 38: 437-446.
Mason, T., Whitehead, E. (2001) Some specific issues concerning the seclusion of female patients. Journal of Medicine, Science and the Law. 41 (4): 315-324
Chapters in Books
Hall, R & Mason-Whitehead, E. (2013). The Research Journey In: A. Mcintosh-Scott, T. Mason. E.MASON-WHITEHEAD & D. Coyle. Key Concepts in Nursing and Healthcare Research. London: Sage Publications
Mason-Whitehead, E. (2013). Feminist Research In: A. Mcintosh-Scott, T.Mason. E.Mason-Whitehead & D. Coyle. Key Concepts in Nursing and Healthcare Research. London: Sage Publications
Ruspini, E & Mason-Whitehead, E. (2013) Longitudinal Research In: A. Mcintosh-Scott, T.Mason. E.Mason-Whitehead & D. Coyle. Key Concepts in Nursing and Healthcare Research. London: Sage Publications
Mason-Whitehead, E. & Mason, T. (2012) Assessment of risk in special observations in mental health practice; a comparison of forensic and non-forensic settings. In D. Holmes, Trudy Rudge, Amélie Perron (eds). (2012) (Re) Thinking Violence in Healthcare Settings
Mason-Whitehead E. (2010) Stigma. In: J.Woodhouse, M. Baldwin (eds). Key Concepts in Palliative Care. London: Sage Publications
Mason-Whitehead, E. (2010). Marginalised Groups. In: J.Woodhouse, M. Baldwin (eds) Key Concepts in Palliative Care. London: Sage Publications.
Mason-Whitehead, E. (2010). Study Skills. In: A. Mcintosh, J. Gidman, E. MASON-WHITEHEAD, E. (eds.) (2010) Key Concepts in Education in Healthcare. London: Sage Publications
Mason-Whitehead, E. (2010). Equality and Diversity. In: A. Mcintosh, J., Gidman, J., Mason-Whitehead, E. (eds.) (2010) Key Concepts in Education in Healthcare. London: Sage Publications
Mason-Whitehead, E., (2008). Environment. In E. Mason-Whitehead, A.Mcintosh, A. Bryan, T.Mason (eds). Key Concepts in Nursing. London: Sage Publications.
Mason-Whitehead, E., (2008). Stigma and Social Exclusion. In: F.Wilson, A. Mahmbala (eds). Key Concepts in Public Health. London: Sage Publications
Mason-Whitehead, E., & Mason, T. (2007) Stigma in Health Care. In D.Abrams, J. Chrisitan (eds). The Handbook of Social Exclusion Research. London: Wiley
Whitehead, E., Mason, T., Carlisle, C., Watkins, C., Historical Developments. (2001) In: T. Mason, C. Carlisle, Watkins, C., E. Whitehead (eds.) Stigma and Exclusion in Healthcare. London: Routledge.
Watkins, C. Mason, T., Carlisle, C., Whitehead, E. The changing dynamic of stigma. (2001) In: T. Mason, C. Carlisle, Watkins, C., E. Whitehead (eds.) Stigma and Exclusion in Healthcare. London: Routledge
Carlisle, C., Mason, T., Watkins, C., Whitehead, E. Relationship to practice. (2001) In: T. Mason, C. Carlisle, Watkins, C., E. Whitehead (eds.) Stigma and Exclusion in Healthcare. London: Routledge.
Mason, T., Carlisle, C., Watkins, C., Whitehead, E. Manifesto for change. (2001) In: T. Mason, C. Carlisle, Watkins, C., E. Whitehead (eds.) Stigma and Exclusion in Health care
Whitehead, E. In: Acheson, D. (1998) Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health. London: HMSO
Ellis, R., Hogard, E., O’Keefe, A., MASON, T. and Whitehead, E. (2001) Cost Effectiveness in Sure Start Birkenhead North. Social Health Evaluation Unit, University of Chester. Confidential
Ellis, R., Hogard, E., O’Keefe, A., Mason, T. and Whitehead, E. (2001) A Report on the Contribution of Home-Start Birkenhead to the Objectives of Sure Start Birkenhead North. Social Health Evaluation Unit, University of Chester. ISBN 1-902275-16-9
Ellis, R., Hogard, E., O’Keefe, A., Mason, T. and Whitehead, E. (2002) A Report on the Organisation and Management of Sure Start, Birkenhead North. Social Health Evaluation Unit, University of Chester. Confidential.
Ellis, R., Hogard, E., O’Keefe, A., Mason, T. and Whitehead, E. (2002) A Report on the Role of the Midwife within Sure Start, Birkenhead North,. Social Health Evaluation Unit, University of Chester. ISBN 1-902275-14-5
Ellis, R., Hogard, E., O’Keefe, A., Mason, T. and Whitehead, E. (2002) A Report on the Role of the Child-Care Lecturer within Sure Start, Birkenhead North. Social Health Evaluation Unit, University of Chester. ISBN 1-902275-12-2
Regan, J.A., Ellis, R., Hogard, E., Mason, T. and Whitehead, E. (2003) Evaluation of the PEEP Project at Sure Start Birkenhead North, Social Health Evaluation Unit, University of Chester. ISBN 1-902275-18-5
Mason-Whitehead, Melling K, Evaluation of Podiatry Provision in Halton and District. Age Concern (2009)
Steen, M, Mason-Whitehead, (2013) Evaluation of Stockport services for young women.
Stockport Council
Thomas, M., Alford, S., Mason-Whitehead (2014) Evaluation of Shrewsbury hospital to home service.
Shrewsbury Clinical Commissioning Group
Invited Editorials and Forwards
Whitehead, E. (2001) Bringing the outsiders in: tackling social exclusion. British Journal of Community Nursing. 6 (7): 3278
Mason-Whitehead (2014) Frances Wilson, Mzwandile Andi Mabhala and Alan Massey. Forward for Health Improvement and well-being strategies for action: Open Univeristy (In Press)
Theses: Whitehead, E. (2000) Understanding Teenage Pregnancy and Stigma: A Comparative and Analytical Study. University of Liverpool.
I hold a number of memberships; British Sociological Association, Royal College of Nursing (History and Research Forums).
My qualifications are:
2016: Senior Teaching Fellow (HEA): University of Chester
2000: PhD: University of Liverpool, ‘Understanding teenage pregnancy and stigma: an analytical and comparative study’
2000: Postgraduate Diploma Education: University of Huddersfield
1993: BA (Hons) Sociology: University of Liverpool
1987: Health Visitor Certificate: University of Liverpool
1983: State Certified Midwife: Northampton
1985: Certificate in Tropical Medicine for Nurses: Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
1981: State Registered Nurse: St George’s Hospital, London
1978: Orthopaedic Nursing Certificate: Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London