Claudine Bryson

Senior Lecturer

Nursing and Healthcare Education
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I joined the University of Chester as a Senior Lecturer in January 2022. I was in the first Project 2000 cohort here at the University of Chester and qualified as a children's nurse in 1995, I have several years’ experience on a general children's ward at a secondary care hospital . I joined the new hospital at home team in 1998 to set up the service which started as a research project initially and is still running today. I developed my interests in paediatric asthma and allergy and was appointed as a specialist respiratory nurse in 2001. Where I ran nurse led clinics and was involved in multi-disciplinary clinics in the assessment, diagnosis and long-term management of children and adolescents with asthma and a variety of allergic conditions . This was a diverse role as the link between the hospital and community to support the child and families and some safeguarding. I networked closely with regional and national groups and was an active committee member involved in planning and presenting at paediatric respiratory conferences.

Teaching and Supervision

Before joining the University of Chester, provided in-house teaching asthma and allergy management l for nursing and medical staff, and students. I delivered sessional lectures on asthma and allergy to pre and post registration students and advanced nurse practitioners at the University of Bangor, Liverpool John Moore's and Chester. Since 2013 involved with Education for Health as asthma level 5 and level 6 module lead with face-to-face teaching, online recorded presentations, weekly student support, marking assignments , marking moderation meetings, peer reviews,. Content review of online learning materials. Course tutor on the NHS England Tier 4 Advancing Paediatric Asthma Course with Rotherham Respiratory. Active member of British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology ( BSACI) Allergy Education Network BAEN promoting and developing a national allergy education framework for all health professionals. Active committee member of National Paediatric and Respiratory Nurses Group (NPRANG) as Treasurer and Vice Chair organising, running, and presenting at annual Conferences- a national event for Paediatric Respiratory Nurses in UK

Research and Knowledge Exchange

I am passionate about the long term management and prevention of asthma , food allergy, allergic rhino conjunctivitis, urticaria and anaphylaxis

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