Professor Robert Mcsherry


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Robs enthusiasm, motivation and passion for the nursing profession are unwavering, with almost 40 years’ experience he continues to support and facilitate teams in the quest for excellence in practice. Rob joined the University of Chester, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Society following 18 years of dedicated service with the School of Health and Social Care, University of Teesside to seek new opportunities and adventures. Rob secured the position of Governing Body – Registered Nurse offering advice and guidance to the Governing Body of the National Health Service Calderdale, Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS Calderdale CCG). In December 2010 Rob was awarded a Fellowship to the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Dublin (FFNMRCSI) for his significant contributions to nursing and the Higher Education Academy, National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) 2011 in recognition of his excellence in learning and teaching. Rob was previously visiting professor to University of Tasmania (2015-2018), visiting Professor Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2015-2018) and Clinical Associate Professor with the Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia (2009-2011). Rob is currently Adjunct Professor of Nursing and Practice Development, Narh-Bita College, Ghana, Africa.

Teaching and Supervision

Throughout my academic, research and professional careers I have facilitated, mentored and supported individuals, teams and organisations to become the best they can. Excellence in Practice in my opinion “isn’t only desirable but achievable”. (Dr. Robert McSherry Professor of Nursing and Practice Development in Health and Social Care) My role and responsibility are associated with supporting our University in achieving our vison and mission of becoming a leading International University for, academic research and business excellence. I believe I achieve this through fostering and facilitating an Evidence-Informed Practice (EIP) approach. Evidence-Informed Practice in this context is about ensuring that all our students and partners receive an outstanding learning experience underpinned by excellent teaching and learning, student engagement and supporting strategies that are underpinned by world-leading research. My current and previous positions cover the wide spectrum of Higher Education undergraduate and postgraduate programmes having roles and responsibilities for curriculum and programme development and module delivery. I aim to provide outstanding supervision and support for my students and partners. I continue to provide strategic leadership at a Senior Executive, management and professional advisory and consultant levels. This includes working with professional bodies, regulatory councils, higher education institutions, local authorities and councils. I also work at the frontline in hospitals and care sector services with professionals in practice working with a variety and diversity of critical stakeholders internationally and nationally. Some examples, include: Internationally, The Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Ministries of Health in Iran and Ghana. Nationally, the Department of Health, NHS England, Care Quality Commission, regional NHS Foundation Trusts and Higher Education Institutes. I have and continue to effectively integrated teaching, research, scholarship and business engagement activities within my ongoing administrative, leadership and clinical/professional demands. I promote the professional standing, esteem and reputation of our University by continuing to build and improve my International track record, professional profile and recognition for my contributions to advancing nursing and practice development. Membership of Professional Bodies Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Pin No: 845J1148E. Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Fellowship Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (FFNMRCSI) National Teaching Fellow (2011) Advance Higher Education Academy Fellow of The Higher Education Academy United Kingdom Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE)

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Rob has an extensive publication record culminating from his area of expertise and associated research activities from the following areas of practice: evidence-based practice (the development of the evidence-informed practice model), clinical governance (patient safety and quality) and practice development (facilitating organizational and cultures and working environments which are person-centred care). Three recent publications are as follows: Kumah, K, A., Bettany-Saltikov, J., van Schaik, P., McSherry, R, (2023) Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess Evidence-Based Practice and Evidence-Informed Practice Knowledge, Attitudes, Understanding and Behaviour Teaching and Learning in Nursing 18, 4, 220-228. Kumah, E.A., McSherry, R., Bettany-Saltikov, J., Van Schaik, P. (2022) Evidence-informed practice: Simplifying and applying the concept for nursing students and academics British Journal of Nursing 31(6), pp. 322–330. Kumah, E. A., McSherry, R., Bettany-Saltikov, J., Paul, v. S., Hamilton, S., Hogg, J., & Whittaker, V. (2022). Evidence-informed vs evidence-based practice educational interventions for improving knowledge, attitudes, understanding and behaviour towards the application of evidence into practice: A comprehensive systematic review of undergraduate students. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18(2). Three recent successful grant applications are as follows: 2022 Impact and Research Co-Creation Programme in partnership with Halton Borough Council, facilitated by the Research and Innovation Office (RIO) and in support of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Institutes (RKEIs) at the University of Chester. £52,613 Using co-creation to explore public and professionals' awareness of location and types of care services (the Continuum of Care) available to older people: A qualitative approach 2021 Joint Funded, University of Chester and Halton Borough Council £48,000 Enhancing Quality in The Sector Care Home Sector, Halton Borough Council. 2021 Burdett Trust for Nursing £75,212 HSC20/28 Co-Creating and Developing the PROTECToolkit with Nurses to Safeguard and Protect Older People in Nursing Homes during a Pandemic.

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