Dr Stef Kerrigan
Senior Lecturer

Dr Stef Kerrigan is a Senior Lecturer in Drama and Acting in the Division of Communication, Screen and Performance in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Stef teaches and supervises across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees within the division and her specialisms are psychophysical performer training, classical theatre, adaptation and ecodramaturgy. She is currently co-convenor of the Directing and Dramaturgy Working Group for the Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA).
Teaching and Supervision
Stef teaches a number of modules that focus on core performance skills, performance making and the historical context of drama and theatre. Her teaching spans a number of degree programmes, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Previous and current modules include: Introduction to Physical and Vocal Techniques Performance One Movement and Voice for Performers Landmarks in Performance Final Production Negotiated Study Dissertation Performance Practice One Dance Practitioner Consensus and Dissent (for Institute of Gender Studies)
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Stef’s research concerns contemporary theatre and performance. Primary research areas include adaptation, postmodern theatrical practice and the ramifications for identity and, most recently, ecodramaturgy. In addition to her more traditional forms of research, Stef is interested in practice as research. Her current project is a performative exploration into the potential of involuntary autobiographical memories; developed by two collaborative partners trying to navigate the histories that exist in our corporeal forms, responding to our variously lived roles including the fictional, constructed, authentic and otherwise.