
Find out about University of Chester in the community.
Community Liaison
University of Chester students, whether living in University or privately rented accommodation, are part of the local community.
Our students have a positive impact in the local community in terms of volunteering, charity events and enrichment of the diversity and culture in the local area. They are, for example, the nurses, social workers and teachers of the future.
The University also recognises that there can be challenges associated with the integration of students into the local community and works closely in partnership with local external agencies to address these.
University and Community Liaison Committee
The Committee is made up of University staff, Chester Students’ Union representation, Cheshire West and Chester locality and regulatory services staff, Councillors, Police and Community Safety Wardens and Local Residents’ Associations. The interests and concerns of members of the local community are represented by both their elected Councillor’s and Chairs of local residents’ associations
Good Neighbours
The University recognises that it is a community with a significant part to play in the wider communities in which it is located and that its obligations to its students extend to these wider communities. All students are, therefore, asked to abide by a student code of conduct.
Our new students receive advice about their host city before they even arrive and, once here, they will attend talks in their University accommodation on the University’s expectations of their behaviour throughout the academic year. They also receive education on sustainable travel choices and waste and recycling management.
Students moving into private sector accommodation in the city are directed to our Student Off Campus Guide.
Positive Engagement
The CLM represents the University on:
- Purple Flag Steering Group for CH1ChesterBID, the Business Improvement District
- Outside In helping to coordinate and challenge the work of voluntary, public and business organisations by working together to end homelessness in Chester
- Chester Community Action City Walks
The CLM works with internal partners including the Volunteering team, Wellbeing Project team, Residential Life and Facilities and Estate team to encourage positive community engagement.
This partnership working lead to the setting up of two student lead, community orientated volunteering projects in 2018. We are very proud of all those students involved in the Chester Student Dog Walkers and Welly Wednesday projects.
If you have a community engagement project that you would like the CLM to help with please feel free to get in touch.