Information for Parents and Carers

Discover what support is available for your child whilst at the University of Chester.
Starting university can be a big step for new students and also marks the beginning of a new phase for the whole family. There will be anticipation, apprehension and excitement, and the University of Chester is keen to ensure parents and carers understand what support is available for your child.
We pride ourselves on the quality of the support that we provide for our students. With a range of support across our sites, and dedicated staff, we're on hand to offer information, advice and guidance to all students on every aspect of their life whilst at university. Our aim is to ensure that everyone is able to experience an enjoyable and enriching student experience.
The following support is available to all students at the University of Chester:
- Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) – an academic member of staff from the student’s academic department.
- Wellbeing and Mental Health – practical information and advice about issues and concerns that may be impacting on study or University experience.
- Disability and Inclusion – supporting and advising students with disabilities.
- International Student Support – providing support and advice to international students.
- University Proctor – deals with complaints, investigates disciplinary issues, addresses antisocial behaviour and advises on personal safety.
- Chaplaincy – pastoral and spiritual support to the University community.
- Student Counselling – professional counsellors.
- Porters and Security – 24/7 365 days a year.
- The Students’ Union – represents students on all aspects of student life, enhances student experience and offer social, sporting and non-sporting activities and societies.
Are you concerned about your child?
If you believe your child is experiencing difficulties and needs additional support you could encourage them to contact the Student Services Helpdesk.
If you have serious concerns about your child's wellbeing or welfare, you should contact the Student Services Helpdesk, or the Porters (campus security) when outside of office hours. Please note that due to the Data Protection Act (2018) we will not be able to share any specific information, including progress, about a student, to any third party, this includes family members.
If your concern is urgent please contact the emergency services on 999.
Sharing information
Parents and carers should note that due to the Data Protection Act (2018) we will not be able to share any specific information, including progress, about a student, to any third party, this includes family members. University staff will be happy to provide you with general information about the University.
In exceptional cases we may contact a student’s trusted contact. It is important that students ensure this contact remains up to date.