Part-time PG Education Online Information Event

Education, and Professional Development (CEPD) postgraduate courses.
We offer a wide range of postgraduate courses within Childhood, Education, and Professional Development (CEPD) which are specifically designed to prepare learners for a career within the children, young people and families workforce, or to significantly upskill individuals who are currently working within the education sector.
This event provides you with the opportunity to discover the courses we have on offer and will outline how we can support you to become a successful lifelong learner. Meet our course leaders, who will be able to answer your questions about how we can tailor your learning to the specific needs of your profession, or your future career. Discover how you will learn from research-active staff and find new pathways that allow you to develop in-professional practice, personal achievement, and academic success.
Our range of courses builds on your professional learning and research experience, immersing you into a culture of innovation, enhanced critical thinking, and reflection. The Chester School of Education CEPD postgraduate courses form a responsive portfolio of provision, designed to remain relevant in an ever-changing education landscape.
Get a taste of our courses from our students’ perspective: