Dr Sally Bamber
Senior Lecturer, PGCE Secondary Mathematics.
Dr Sally Bamber is Senior Lecturer in Education and Joint Programme Leader of the Doctor of Education Programme in the School of Education of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Education at the University of Chester, UK. She supervises PhD and EdD students and leads several modules in the EdD programme. She also leads teacher education Masters of Arts Mathematics Education routes in Education and Educational Practice. Sally chairs the School of Education ethics committee and is Senior PGR Tutor in the School of Education. She leads raising attainment in mathematics projects in partner schools applying design research to support equitable education outcomes for young people.
Sally teaches the Doctor of Education programme, MA/PG Cert Educational Practice in Mathematics, MA Education (Mathematics) and contributes to the PGCE in Secondary Mathematics. She supervises PhD and EdD research degrees, particularly in themes that relate to equitable and democratic education and professional learning relating to teaching, education and professional knowledge and practice.
Dr Sally Bamber undertakes collaborative design research projects in mathematics education and qualitative research studies that represent the experience of learning to teach and learning mathematics. Sally is a co-director of RECAP.
Published work:
- Bamber, S. & Bokhove, C. (2021). How can we engage mathematics ITE students with research? Marks, R. (Ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 41(1).
- Archer, R. & Bamber, S. (2020). Moving towards classrooms that foster deep conceptual understanding and reasoning. In Jain, P. and Hyde, R. (Eds.) Myths and Legends of Mastery in the Mathematics Curriculum. Learning Matters Series. Sage Publishing, London.
- Griffiths, J., Bamber, S., French, G., Hulse, B., Jones, G., Jones, R. C., Jones, S. W., Maelor, G., Wordsworth, H. J., & Hughes, C. (2020). Growing Tomorrow's Teachers Together: The CaBan Initial Teacher Education Partnership. Wales Journal of Education, 22(1), 209-231.
- Bamber, S. (2018). Translating research into practice through collaborative planning. in Curtis F. (Ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 38(3).
- Bamber, S. (2016) Raising attainment of middle-lower attaining GCSE students, in Adams. G. (Ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics 36(1). http://www.bsrlm.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/BSRLM-CP-36-1-04.pdf
- Bamber, S. (2015). Learning to teach mathematics: Navigating the landscape of teacher education. (Doctoral dissertation). University of Chester, United Kingdom.
Recent Conferences:
- Hyde, R., Archer, R., & Bamber, S. (2021). Developing Teaching for Mastery in mathematics: The case of the beginning secondary teacher. In BERA Annual Conference 2021.
- Bamber, S. & Hulse, B. Translating research into practice: exploring collaborative approaches to transforming classrooms. In Teacher Education Advancement Network 2021.
- Bamber, S. & Bennett, L. (2021). Polar Opposites? Can contradictions between art and mathematics classrooms create inclusive spaces for learning? [Conference presentation]. In Educating Creatively Conference.