International Flash Fiction Association

Welcome to the International Flash Fiction Association (IFFA).

International Flash Fiction Association (IFFA)
The International Flash Fiction Association, run by Peter Blair and Ashley Chantler, was founded in 2015 to promote flash fiction around the world.
Peter Blair and Ashley Chantler are Senior Lecturers in English at the University of Chester, where they teach where they teach on the BA, MA, MRes, MPhil/PhD programmes in Creative Writing and English Literature. They are the founders and editors of Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine and Flash: The International Short-Short Story Press. They have had their own flashes published in various anthologies, literary periodicals, and e-zines, have edited anthologies of flashes (as well as of short stories), and have published on the form. Ashley is editor of An Anatomy of Chester: A Collection of Short-Short Stories (Chester Academic Press, 2007), launched at the 2007 Chester Literature Festival, and his path-breaking essay ‘Notes Towards the Definition of the Short-Short Story’ appeared in The Short Story, ed. Ailsa Cox (Cambridge Scholars, 2009). He is author of the article ‘Why Flash Fiction? Because of a Parrot and a Porn Star, Of Course’, SmokeLong Quarterly (18 Aug. 2016). Peter has edited and published three student anthologies of historical flashes (That’s Historical, 2008; It’s About Time, 2009; Between the Lines, 2010) and wrote the ‘Flash Fiction’ article for the bestselling Writers’ & Artists’ Yearbook 2016 (Bloomsbury, 2015).