Dr Janey Deng Klingelfuss
Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design
With a background in HE design management, design knowledge transfer, visual communication, and academic research skills provision, Dr. Janey Klingelfuss is an HE professional involved in research, teaching and learning in a cross- national, cross-institutional, interdisciplinary practical environment.
She is currently
- Senior Lecturer at UoC; University of Chester, in Graphic Design.
- Associate Lecturer at LCC, UAL; University of the Arts London, in Design Management.
- Visiting Lecturer at RCA; Royal College of Art, in Experimental Visual Communication.
- Visiting Lecturer at SUAD; Shandong University of Art and Design, China, in Design Management.
Dr. Janey Klingelfuss joined the graphic design team at University of Chester in Sept. 2020. Previously, she worked at the University of Central Lancashire, UK; as well as Staffordshire University, UK.
Her teaching modules cover design related skills and technology, visual communication, branding, design process, design thinking, design management and production, and design research methodology, design entrepreneurship, design professional practice, as well as design leadership and futures, at both UG and PG levels.
Dr. Janey Klingelfuss is passionate about working across cultures and is particularly interested in exploring issues around cultural influence and academic adaptation. Her PhD research study explored the transferability of HE in design management knowledge, curricula, and teaching and learning strategies. As a research fellow based both in the UK and China, since 2006, she has developed experience in the initiation and development of successful research/bids funding applications, including design management knowledge transfer, design thinking, HE in art and design within culture boundaries, curriculum design, teaching and learning strategies, and the role of design for business and eco-social justice.
Currently, she is working on projects constructing different approaches to real-world issues, which practise design thinking in a wider community environment. As a member of the “Co- design hub”, she works in a design research and design practice team that conducts applied and theoretical research into art & design and related multi-disciplines, with people, places and their interactions. Some of her research initiatives are designed to respond to pedagogical and practical challenges, such as International Symposium on "Reputation and Cultural Value in Design Soft Power” in the summer, 2022.
- UAL events: DMC symposium-Trajectories> Deep Meaningful Conversations 2022: Systems, Community and Care. UAL 9th June 2022.
- Deng, J.Y., and Klingelfuss, M. (2021), Transformative teaching practice through a design thinking approach in social settings: A Reflection on the delivery of a design research methods module in a graphic design programme at undergraduate level. DRS., LEARNxDESIGN 2021: 6th International Conference for Design Education Researchers. 24–26 September 2021.
- International Peer Reviewer Panel Member, DRS., LEARNxDESIGN 2021: 6th International Conference for Design Education Researchers. 24–26 September 2021.
- RCA events: An experiential dialogue between contemporary art and design – Phase 1 – Design process approach to learning: a discussion. RCA 25th June 2021.
- Supervisor of 3rd prize design awards (two awards), in 29TH Times Young Creatives Awards, 2020.
- Deng J.Y. (2013), Postgraduate Design Management Education in China: An Investigation into the Transferability of Design Management Knowledge, Curricula, Teaching and Learning Strategies from the UK to China, Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
- FHEA, Advance HE, UK, 2021
- PDC for External Examiners, Advance HE, UK, 2021
- PhD in Educational Design Knowledge Transfer, Staffordshire University, UK, 2013
- MA in Branding and Design innovation, Staffordshire University, UK, 2003
- IB Teaching Certificate in Design (MYP/PD), International Baccalaureate, 2018
- PGCRM Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods, Faculty of Art, Media and Design, Staffordshire University, UK, 2008