Dr Namrata Bhattacharya-Mis
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader in Natural Hazard Management
Namrata Bhattacharya Mis is a senior lecturer in Geography and Disaster Management in the Faculty of Social Science at University of Chester. She is the programme leader for Natural Hazard management Course. Namrata is the Co-Chair of university Race Equality And Cultural Heritage Group. She is passionate about enhancing equality and diversity in HE. Her other most recent positions include Chair and advisor of the Ethics Committee (within Geography and Environment).
Namrata is an experienced lecturer, having taught Geography, International Development Studies and Natural Hazard Management over a number of years. Her more recent focus on teaching is use of innovative technology to enhance inclusion in disaster management. She contributes towards teaching and supervision of both Under Graduate and Post Graduate Degree modules. She is currently supervising two PhD students.
Namrata's research interest is positioned at the intersection of physical geography, human geography and development studies. She aims to understand the complexities of coupled human nature interaction with special reference to disasters. Namrata is a Geographer by training with interest in multidisciplinary research, she is particularly engaged in the understanding and managing the consequence of water extremes and the vulnerabilities of the dynamic socio-economic systems. Her most recent works involves community led knowledge cocreation and participatory research concerning flood risk management. Namrata has experience of working with multidisciplinary teams on research projects focusing on topics including (but not exhaustive): understanding risk perception and memory through social-hydrology; adaptation of urban infrastructure to enhance climate resilience in the global south; exploring the effects of temporal clustering of flood events on natural built and socio-economic systems to identify critical vulnerabilities; use of technology and nature based solutions to enhance flood resilience.
Lageard, S., & Bhattacharya-Mis, N. (2023). Preparedness and management of (flood) disaster amid a pandemic in a developing country: lessons from Cyclone Amphan in southwestern Bangladesh. In D. P. Victor Oladokun, Oluseye Adebimpe, Taiwo Adedeji (Ed.), Handbook of Flood Risk Management in Developing Countries (1 ed., Vol. 1, pp. 137-160): Taylor and Francis.
Adekola, O., Lamond, J., Adelekan, I., Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Ekinya, M., Bassey Eze, E., & Ujoh, F. Towards adoption of mobile data collection for effective adaptation and climate risk management in Africa. (2022). Geoscience Data Journal, 00, 1– 15 (early view).
Fialho, H. A., F.; Sousa, B.; Souza, F.; Bhattacharya-Mis, N.; Mendiondo, E.; Oliveira, P. . (2021). Anticipated Memories and Adaptation from Past Flood Events in Gregório Creek Basin, Brazil. WATER, 13.
Felipe Augusto Arguello Souza, Namrata Bhattacharya-Mis, Camilo Restrepo-Estrada, Patricia Gober, Denise Taffarello, José Galizia Tundisi & Eduardo Mario Mendiondo (2021) Blue and grey urban water footprints through citizens’ perception and time series analysis of Brazilian dynamics, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66 (3), pp. 408-421.
Lamond, J., & Bhattacharya-Mis, N. (2021). Chapter 6 - Resilience through flood memory—A comparison of the role of insurance and experience in flood resilience for households and businesses in England. In J. M. Mendes, G. Kalonji, R. Jigyasu, & A. Chang-Richards (Eds.), Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk (pp. 59-67).
Sarmento Buarque, Ana Carolina., Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Maria Clara Fava, Felipe Augusto Arguello de Souza & Eduardo Mario Mendiondo (2020) Using historical source data to understand urban flood risk: a socio-hydrological modelling application at Gregório Creek, Brazil, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 65 (7), pp.1075-1083.
Bhattacharya-Mis,N (2020) Big Data for flood management: Realising the benefits for developing countries. EGU General Assembly 2020, Session: How to make weather and climate services more efficient in developing countries; EGU2020-ITS1.2/CL5.9-19654, Online presentation.
Lamond, J.E., Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Chan, F.K.S., Kreibich, H., Montz, B., Proverbs, D.G. and Wilkinson, S. (2019), Flood risk insurance, mitigation and commercial property valuation, Journal of Property Management, Vol. 37 (4), pp. 512-528.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. (2019) The point of failure or way forward to resilience: Where do we stand? Social ecological resilience to disasters: British and Brazilian Perspectives Handbook: edited by C M de M Souza; M T; M Mattedi, Y ;C Egbu, M Polette; B J Mello;B S; pg:107-110; ISBN 978-85-7172-002-2 SOCIAL ECOLOGICAL RESILIENCE TO DISASTERS: British and Brazilian Perspectives.
Bhattacharya-Mis,N., Mendiondo, Eduardo Mario., de Souza, Felipe., Clara Fava, maria., Sarmento-Buarque, Ana Carolina., Restrepo-Estrada,Camilo., Caballero, Pedro Fernando., Mohor., Guilherme S (2019) The synergistic model: A comprehensive way to understand the real cost of disasters, EGU General Assembly 2019, Vol. 21, EGU2019-12401-1.
Mendiondo, E. M., Mendes, H. C., Mis, N. B., Giuntoli, I., de Souza, F., Fava, M. C., & Sarmento-Buarque, A. C. (2018). Understanding urban risk perception and enigma of peoples' memory through social-hydrology observatories of water security under global changes.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Chan, F., Kreibich, H., Montz, B., Proverbs, D., Wilkinson, S. and Lamond, J. (2018) Flood risk to commercial property: Training and education needs of built environment professionals. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. Vol. 9 (4/5), pp. 252-264. Emerald Insight (Online).
Lamond, J., Rose, C., Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and Joseph, R. (2018) Evidence review for property flood resilience phase 2 report. Project Report. Flood Re, London.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Lamond, J., Chan, Faith., Kreibich, Heidi., Montz, Burrel.,l Proverbs, David., Wilkinson, S., (2018) Advising on flood risk – opportunities and challenges across international commercial property markets. RICS COBRA Conference, London.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Lamond, J. (2017) Supply chain fragility and flood disruption: understanding the impacts of supplier and customer proximity, The 7th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM7), Leeds, UK.
Lamond, J., Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Chan, Faith., Kreibich, Heidi., Montz, Burrel.,l Proverbs, David., Wilkinson, Sara. (2017) Improving the flood risk management of commercial properties Can surveyors help? The 7th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM7), Leeds, UK.
Lamond, J. Bhattacharya-Mis, N. Kreibich, H., Montz, B., Proverbs, D., Wilkinson, S.(2017) Flood risk mitigation and commercial property advice: an international comparison, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Research Report, London.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and Lamond, J. (2016) Risk perception and vulnerability of value: A study in the context of commercial property sector. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 20(3) pp. 252-264. ISSN 1648-715X.
Lamond, J., Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Chan, Faith., Kreibich, Heidi., Montz, Burrel.,l Proverbs,David., Wilkinson, Sara. (2016) An international understanding of the current and future role of Chartered Surveyors in providing flood risk advice for commercial properties, RICS COBRA Conference, Toronto, Canada (Best paper award 2016).
Lamond, J., Bhattacharya-Mis, N. (2016) A risky business, RICS Building Surveying Journal, May-June Issue, rics.org/journals; pp-19.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N., Joseph, R., Proverbs, D., and Lamond, J. (2015) Grass-root
preparedness against potential flood risk among residential and commercial property holders. International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment. 6(1), pp-44-56.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and Lamond, J. (2015) Flood risk vs property value: A sector specific market perception study of commercial properties, 5th International Conference on Building Resilience, Newcastle, Australia.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N., and Lamond, J. (2015) An investigation of flood memory, insurance and property value: the UK regime, RICS COBRA AUBEA 2015, Sydney; Australia.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and Lamond, J. (2015). Mapping community knowledge of vulnerability of value: a case study in the UK. Journal of Safety and Security Engineering. 5(3), pp- 1-14.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and Lamond, J. (2014) Towards an integrated framework for building resilience using flood memory in built environment. In: 2nd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience, London, 3 - 5 November 2014. London: UCL (Received Mention award for the paper).
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and Lamond, J. (2014) Socio-economic complexities of flood memory in building resilience: An overview of research. In: Amaratunga, D. and Haigh, R., eds. 4th International Conference on Building Resilience, Incorporating the 3rd Annual Conference of the ANDROID Disaster Resilience, Salford, United Kingdom, 9-11 September 2014., pp. 111-119.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and Lamond, J. (2014) An investigation of patterns of response and recovery among flood affected businesses in the UK: Case study in Sheffield and Wakefield, International Conference on Flood Recovery, Innovation and Response (FRIAR) IV, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Bhattacharya-Mis, N. and J. Lamond (2014). An investigation of patterns of response and recovery among flood affected businesses in the UK: Case study in Sheffield and Wakefield. Flood Recovery Innovation and Response, Poznan, Poland, WIT Press.
- PhD in Disaster Management in Built Environment, University of Wolverhampton (UK)
- MSc (Geo-Information Science and Environmental Modelling), Joint Masters Programme, University of Southampton (UK), University of Lund (Sweden), University of Warsaw (Poland), Twente University (Netherlands)
- PG Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS, Jadavpur University, India
- MSc (Geog), Banaras Hindu University, India
- BSc (Geog), University of Calcutta, India
Membership of Professional Bodies
- Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of European Geosciences Union