Dr Steve Knowles

Senior Lecturer in Religion and Popular Culture

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Steve Knowles

Dr Steve Knowles is Senior Lecturer in Religion and Popular Culture at the University of Chester.

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Dr Knowles teaches on the following UG modules: Studying Religion: Issues, Questions and Concepts and Studying Christianity (L4), and Spirituality and Popular Culture Culture (L5). He also contributes to the Doctor of Professional Studies in Theology and Religious Studies programme.

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His current research interests include examining the interface between religion and popular culture with a specific focus upon contemporary apocalyptic beliefs. Related to this is an interest in the correlation between notions of risk in contemporary western society and apocalyptic ideologies. Presently, he is undertaking a project examining the beliefs and practices of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (Exclusive Brethren).

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'Beyond Evangelicalism: The Theological Methodology of Stanley J. Grenz' (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010).

Chapters in Books

'Signs of Salvation: Insecurity, Risk and the End of the World in Late Modernity' in H. Bacon, W. Dossett and S. Knowles (eds), Alternative Salvations. London: Bloomsbury. Forthcoming 2015.

'Apocalyptic Imagery in Extreme's III Sides to Every Story' in C. H. Partridge (ed) Anthems of Apocalypse Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012).

'Postmodernism: Reasons to be Cheerful', in H. Bacon, W. Morris and S. Knowles (eds), Transforming Exclusion: Engaging with Faith Perspectives (London: T&T Clark, 2011)

Edited Work

Bacon, H., Dossett, W. and Knowles, S. (2015). Alternative Salvations. London: Bloomsbury.

With H. Bacon and W. Morris, Transforming Exclusion: Engaging with Faith Perspectives (London: T&T Clark, 2011).


’The Appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies by the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church’, The Journal of CESNUR Special edition on the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church [forthcoming Spring 2021], co-edited by B. Doherty and S. Knowles.

‘The Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, Media Engagement and Public Benefit’ Ecclesial Practices 7 (2020), pp. 101-116

Brexit, Babylon and Prophecy: Semiotics of the End Times’, Religions, 9 (12), 2018. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel9120396 

‘Brexit, Prophecy and Conspiracy: The Necessary Rejection of an Endtime Empire’, Nova Religio vol. 21 (3), 2018, pp.7-28. 

Plymouth Brethren Christian Church’, Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements co-authored with B. Doherty (Bedford: Panacea Charitable Trust, 2017). 

'Risk or Rapture: signs of the end or symptoms of world risk society', in Culture and Religion 2014 Vol. 15:4, pp. 419-435.

'Rapture Ready and the World Wide Web: Religious Authority on the Internet', in Journal of Media and Religion 2013 Vol. 12:3, pp. 128-143.

Current Projects

I am currently researching the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (Exclusive Brethren): an exclusivist Christian sect. This work will culminate in a book length study of the contemporary beliefs, practices and culture of group.

Memberships of learned societies

  • Society of Study of Theology
  • Mediating Religion Network
  • American Academy of Religion
  • Member of steering group for UK Network for Theology & Religious Studies and Popular Culture 


  • Journal of Contemporary Religion
  • Modern Believing
  • BTh (Liv)
  • PhD (Liv)
  • PGCertHE