Professor Daniel Bloyce
Head of Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing
Daniel Bloyce is Professor of the Sociology of Sport and Head of the Division of Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Society at the University of Chester, UK. Professor Bloyce first joined the University in 1995 teaching about the sociology of sport and health. For over 20 years, Professor Bloyce has successfully secured external funding, published numerous books and articles, and supervised several PhDs through to completion. He is well placed to manage the Division having published extensively in both sociology of sport and public health journals. Professor Bloyce is also co-founder and co-editor of the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics (Routledge). He is also regularly invited to review papers for various different peer-reviewed journals including the European Physical Education Review, International Review for the Sociology of Sport and Leisure Studies.
Professor Bloyce is an experienced lecturer, with well over 20 years experience of teaching at HE level. He continues to teach across a wide range of subject areas, including contemporary issues in sport and health, research methods, sport and health policy and sociological theories. He firmly believes, despite being a Head of Division, that continuing to teach at all levels in HE helps him as a line manager understand the ‘coalface’ of HE.
Professor Bloyce has published on a wide range of topics in the sociology of sport and public health. Initially his focus, stemming from the research undertaken for his PhD, was on the globalisation of sport, in particular baseball. However, more recently Professor Bloyce is especially known for his research in sport and health policy, active travel and the lives of professional sportspeople. The common thread across these diverse areas of research interest is his application of figurational sociology and interest in applying research to real-world practice.
Selected publications
Law, G., Bloyce, D., & Waddington, I. (i-First). Sporting celebrity and conspicuous consumption: A case study of professional footballers in England, International Review for the Sociology of Sport. DOI
Mead, R., Thurston, M., & Bloyce, D. (i-First). From public issues to personal troubles: individualising social inequalities in health within local public health partnerships, Critical Public Health, DOI
Lovett, E., Bloyce, D., & Smith, A. (2020). Delivering a sports participation legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: evidence from sport development workers in Birmingham and their experiences of a double-bind, Leisure Studies, 39 (5), 659-672, DOI
Fry, J. & Bloyce, D. (2017). ‘Life in the travelling circus’: A study of loneliness, work stress, and money issues in touring professional golf, Sociology of Sport Journal, 34, 148-59.
Fry, J. & Bloyce, D. (2017). ‘Friends as enemies’. A sociological analysis of the relationship among touring professional golfers, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52(3), 336-360. DOI
View all publications by year
Law, G., Bloyce, D., & Waddington, I. (i-First). Sporting celebrity and conspicuous consumption: A case study of professional footballers in England, International Review for the Sociology of Sport. DOI
Mead, R., Thurston, M., & Bloyce, D. (i-First). From public issues to personal troubles: individualising social inequalities in health within local public health partnerships, Critical Public Health, DOI
Thompson, A., Bloyce, D., & Mackintosh, C. (2021). “It is always going to change” – examining the experiences of managing top-down changes by sport development officers working in national governing bodies of sport in England, Managing Sport and Leisure, 26 (1-2), 60-79, DOI
White, C., Bloyce, D., & Thurston, M. (2020). The double-bind of competitive funding: Exploring the consequences of state -funded bidding processes in a locally managed cycling infrastructure project, European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 20(4), 173-193, DOI
Dobbin, N., Bloyce, D., Hughes, S., & Twist, C. (2020). Effects of a four-week touch rugby and self-paced interval running intervention on health markers in active young men, Sport Sciences for Health, 16, 635-643. DOI
Thurston, M. & Bloyce, D. (2020). A quest for relaxation? A figurational analysis of the transformation of yoga into a global leisure time phenomenon, Sport in Society, 23(10), 1615-1629.
Lovett, E., Bloyce, D., & Smith, A. (2020). Delivering a sports participation legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: evidence from sport development workers in Birmingham and their experiences of a double-bind, Leisure Studies, 39 (5), 659-672, DOI
Law, G. & Bloyce, D. (2019). ‘Pressure to play?’ A sociological analysis of professional football managers’ behaviour towards injured players, Soccer and Society, 20(3), 387-407 DOI
Bloyce, D. & White, C. (2018, i-First). When transport policy becomes health policy: A documentary analysis of active travel policy in England, Transport Policy.
Powell, K., Thurston, M., & Bloyce, D. (2017). Theorising lifestyle drift in health promotion: explaining community and voluntary sector engagement practices in disadvantaged areas, Critical Public Health, 27(5), 554-565 DOI
Fry, J. & Bloyce, D. (2017). ‘Life in the travelling circus’: A study of loneliness, work stress, and money issues in touring professional golf, Sociology of Sport Journal, 34, 148-59. DOI
Lovett, E. & Bloyce, D. (2017). What happened to the legacy from London 2012? A sociological analysis of the processes involved in preparing for a grassroots sporting legacy from London 2012 outside of the host city, Sport in Society. DOI
Fry, J. & Bloyce, D. (2017). ‘Friends as enemies’. A sociological analysis of the relationship among touring professional golfers, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52(3), 336-360. DOI
Fry, J., Bloyce, D., & Pritchard, I. (2015). Issues of Money in the Lives of Touring Professional Golfers, Journal of Sport and Social Issues 39(3), 179-201 (Impact Factor: 1.049)
Powell, K., Thurston, M., & Bloyce, D. (2014) Local status and power in area-based health improvement partnerships, Health. DOI
Bloyce, D., & Lovett, E. (2012). Planning for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic legacy: a figurational analysis. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 4(3), 361-77.
Bloyce, D., & Smith, A. (2010). Sport policy and development: an introduction. London: Routledge.
Bloyce, D., Liston, K, Platts, C., & Smith, A. (2010). Pride of the Lions: media coverage of the 2005 Lions Tour. Sport in Society, 13(3), 448-69.
Houlihan, B., Bloyce, D., & Smith, A. (2009). Developing the research agenda in sport policy. International Journal of Sport Policy, 1(1), 1-12.
Bloyce, D., Smith, A., Mead, R., & Morris, J. (2008). ‘Playing the Game (Plan)': A Figurational Analysis of Organizational Change in Sports Development in England, European Sport Management Quarterly, 8, (4), 359-378.
Bloyce, D., & Murphy, P. (2008). Baseball in England: A case of prolonged cultural resistance, Journal of Historical Sociology, 21 (1), 120-142.
Bloyce, D. (2008). ‘Glorious Rounders': the American Baseball Invasion of England in Two World Wars - Unappealing American Exceptionalism, International Journal of the History of Sport, 25, (4), 387 - 405.
Bloyce, D., & Murphy, P. (2008). Sports Administration on the hoof: The three points for a win ‘experiment' in English Soccer, Soccer and Society, 9 (8), 14-27.
Bloyce, D., & Murphy, P. (2007). Involvement and detachment, from principles to practice: A critical reassessment of The Established and the Outsiders, Irish Journal of Sociology, 16 (1), 3-21.
Bloyce, D. (2007). John Moores and the Professional Baseball Leagues in England, Sport in History, 27 (1), 64-87.
Bloyce, D., & Murphy, P. (2006). The Globalisation of ‘Bad' Management Practice: The three points for a win reform in soccer, International Review of Modern Sociology, 32 (2), 277-91.
Bloyce, D. (2006). ‘A Very Peculiar Practice: The London Baseball League, 1906 - 1911'. Nine. A Journal of Baseball History and Culture. 14(2), 118-128.
Bloyce, D (2005). ‘‘That's Your Way of Playing Rounders, Isn't It'? The Response of the English Press to American Baseball Tours to England, 1874-1924', Sporting Traditions, 22 (1), 81-98.
Green, K. Liston, K. Smith, A., & Bloyce, D. (2005). ‘Violence, Competition and the Emergence and Development of Modern Sports: Reflections on the Stokvis-Malcolm debate', International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 40(1), 119-123.
Bloyce, D. (2004). ‘Research is a Messy Process: A Case-Study of a Figurational Sociology Approach to Conventional Issues in Social Science Research Methods', The Graduate Journal of Social Science. 1 (1), 144-176.
Bloyce, D. (1997). ‘Just Not Cricket: Baseball in England 1874 - 1900', The International Journal of the History of Sport, 14 (2), 207-218.
BA (Hons), MA, PhD