Dr Kate Knight

Head of Practice Education and Simulated Learning

Practice Education and Simulated Learning
Dr Kate Knight

As Head of Practice learning I work collegiately across Faculty Management Group and have the  academic leadership for health and social care practice and oversee the effective governance and management of practice learning; including placement quality whilst developing the Faculty practice learning portfolio.

I lead our Practice Learning Team including Lecturers in Practice Learning and project teams expanding capacity and improving quality of placements

I am a registered children’s nurse and registered teacher with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Children and Young People’s Nurse Academics UK (CYPNAUK).

I teach across all levels of the pre-registration and post-registration programmes. 

I teach and facilitate simulated practice within the Faculty.

PhD (2019 – Liverpool John Moores University)
Factors affecting the participation of physically disabled children and young people in out-of-school activities in Cheshire

My research interests include:

  • Children, young people, disability
  • Practice Learning 
  • Safeguarding 
  • Placement experiences of healthcare students
  • Assessment and Supervision 
  • Student Experiences 
  • Practice partnership 
  • Social Prescribing 

Associate Professor – Academic Leadership 

Chapter of Book

Knight, K, H, Assessment of the Sick Child.  Glasper A. et al., Children and Young People’s Nursing at a Glance. Chapter 9. West Sussex, Wiley Blackwell. (2015) **

Full Papers in Refereed Journals

Council of Deans (2022) Pandemic Powered Improvements – Best Practice in Innovative Healthcare Education Placements created during the Pandemic .  Council of Deans https://www.councilofdeans.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/2_CoDH.PPI_FULL_WEB.pdf

Leigh, J. Borwell, J., Garrow, A., Kenny, A., Knight K.H., Roberts, D., Monks, R., Whaley, V., Wright, K., (2022) Has the Pandemic Response to Covid-19 further entrenched a Pathogenic emphasis in Nurse Education? British Journal of Nursing https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/full/10.12968/bjon.2022.31.17.908 pp. 1066-1067. ISSN 0966-0461

Garrow, A., Roberts, D., Kenny, A., Leigh, J., Borwell, J., Knight K.H., Whaley, V., Monks, R., Wright, K., (2022) How many practice hours are required to be become a registered nurse?  British Journal of Nursing 31 (16) 2-3.

Whaley, V., Knight, K.H. Hay., (2022 awaiting final print) Preparing Nurse Educators for the Nursing and Midwifery Council Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment: An Evaluation of Impact Four Years on.  British Journal of Nursing.

Knight, K.H. Whaley, V. Bailey-McHale, R. Simpson, A. Hay, J. (2022) The Long-Arm Approach to Placement Supervision and Assessment.  British Journal of Nursing, 31 (4) 247. 

Knight, K.H, Leigh, J, Whaley, V, Rabie, G, Matthews, M, Doyle, K. (2021) The Supervisor Conundrum.  British Journal of Nursing, 30(20) 1156. https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/bjon.2021.30.20.1156

Dr Kate H Knight , Dr Daz Greenop , Professor Phil Vickerman & Dr Lorna Porcellato (2020): Factors Affecting the Participation of Physically Disabled Children and Young People in Out-of-School Activities in the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study, Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing, DOI: 10.1080/24694193.2020.1834014
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/24694193.2020.1834014

Contributor to Glasper A. et al., (2015) Children and Young People’s Nursing at a Glance. West Sussex, Wiley Blackwell. Chapter 9.

Knight K, Porcellato L, and Tume L (2013) Out-of-school lives of physically disabled children and young people in the UK: A qualitative literature review. Journal of Child Health Care. Published Online 1 July 2013 DOI: 10.1177/1367493513490446. Accessed at: http://chc.sagepub.com/content/early/2013/07/01/1367493513490446

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2014) Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: Focus on personal care and training Working Papers in the Health Sciences (2014) Autumn edition Accessed at : http://www.southampton.ac.uk/assets/centresresearch/documents/wphs/POSTER%20KATE%20KNIGHT%20June%202014.pdf

Conference Presentations

Knight, K.H., Devine, J., Jones., G. (2022) Supporting Students in Practice - Lectures in Practice learning. Pedagogical Practices Webinar.  Hosted by University of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra, Portugal. 24/11/22. Virtual. 

Knight, K.H., (2022) In-Direct Supervision and Assessment – Student Nurses in PIVOs. HEE South West Education Long Arm Assessment Webinar, Hosted by University of Plymouth.  23/11/22.

Knight, K.H., O’Driscoll, L., and Grave., S., (2022) Supporting health and social care placements for Nursing and AHP students in Primary Care and PIVOs. HEE North West Education Transformation Webinar.  17/11/22.

Knight, K.H., O’Driscoll, L., Grave., S., and Shorney, L., (2022) Exploring our Community – Social Care Placements in Cheshire and Merseyside. PerCIE – Beyond the Bedside – What Matters to the Person? Future workforce preparation through place-based learning.  16th November 2022.  Virtual International Conference.

Knight, K.H., Evans-Griffiths, H., McRae, S., (2022) How do we overcome the constraints of PSRBs and tarrif to enable third sector placements to grow?  PerCIE – Beyond the Bedside – What Matters to the Person? Future workforce preparation through place-based learning.  16th November 2022.  Virtual International Conference.

Knight, K.H., Ridgway, V., Whaley, V., Bailey-McHale, R. Hay., J (Accepted for October 2022).  A review of the long-arm model to practice supervision and assessment. NETNEP 8th International Nurse Education Conference.  From Education to Impact: Transforming nursing and midwifery Education.  19-22 October 2022, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. 

Ridgway, V., Bailey-McHale, R., Knight, K.H., Whaley, V., Hay., J (Accepted for October 2022).  Creative Health: A Mixed Methods Evaluation. NETNEP 8th International Nurse Education Conference.  From Education to Impact: Transforming nursing and midwifery Education.  19-22 October 2022, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. 

Knight, K.H., Whaley, V., Bailey-McHale, R. Edgerley, J. Hay., J. Ridgway, V., Faulkner, G, Henshaw, R. (Accepted for 6th September 2022).  Symposium – Innovations in Practice Learning.  Advanced HE – NET2022 Conference.  Lancaster University 6-7 September 2022.

Knight, K.H. Whaley, V. Caiger, L., and Garrow, A (2022) Children’s Nursing Toolkits – Offering Solutions.  CYPNAUK Symposium, Virtual  - 01/09/22.

Knight, K.H., O’Driscoll, L., Grave, S., Hay, J., Williams, R., Taggart, B., Hutchinson, T., Shorney, L. (2022) Four for the Price of One. NW Education Transformation Conference.  Health Education Conference – Oral Presentation.

Knight, K.H. (2022) Future of Practice Learning: 2023. University of Chester, Faculty of Health and Social Care Practice Symposium – Keynote.

Knight, K.H. and Whaley, V. (2021) Social Prescribing and Social Placement Placements – Preparation in the Curriculum. Personalised Care Interprofessional Education (PerCIE) Framework Steering Group – Hosted University of Salford 08/12/21 Oral Presentation.

Knight, K.H. Bailey-Mchale, B. and Jones, G. (2021) Student Placements: Models of practice, Supervision and Assessment.  Virtual People Summit Bitesize Series, Cheshire and Merseyside: Health and Care Partnership People Summit.  09/11/21.  Oral Presentation. 

Knight, K.H. (2021) Children and Young People – Have you asked them?  University of Chester Research and Pedagogic Event.  08/10/21 University of Chester, Oral presentation.

Knight, K.H. (2021) Long Arm Approach – Implementation and Early Learning.  Personalised Care Interprofessional Education (PerCIE) Framework Steering Group – Hosted University of Salford 06/08/21 Oral Presentation.

Knight, K.H. Partridge, T. Palmer, L. and Phillips, T. (2019) Difficult Events faced by Students in the World of Work – Translated in to Classroom Teaching.  University of Chester Teaching and Learning conference. 27/06/19 University of Chester. Oral Presentation.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2018) Qualitative Research with Disabled Children and young people – Practical Aspects.  Public Health PhD Symposium on Improving and Understanding Health. Wednesday 4th July 2018 Liverpool John Moores University. Oral presentation.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2017) Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities Three Minute Thesis Competition March- Apri 2017.  Liverpool John Moores University. Oral presentation.  Finalist.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2016) Fun and Laughter in Research: Creative focus group experience with physically disabled children and young people.  Public Health PhD Symposium on Methodologies. Thursday 7th July 2016 Liverpool John Moores University. Oral presentation.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2016) Factors affecting UK physically disabled children and young people participating in mainstream out-of-school activities: Focus on personal care.   Children and Young People in a Changing World: Action, Agency and Participation.  23rd and 24th June 2016 - Liverpool Hope University.  Oral Presentation.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2014) Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities – focus on methods and voices. Liverpool John Moores University Research Seminar - Conducting Research with Children and Young People Research in Focus seminar 19/03/14. Oral presentation.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2013) Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities – sports focus` European Sports Development Network (ESDN) Conference 2013. Sport Policy and Development in Challenging Times: Opportunities, Challenges, Possibilities. Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, Lancashire, UK 4-5th September 2013. Oral presentation.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D.  (2013) Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities.  Liverpool John Moores University Research Faculty Seminar – 28/06/13. Oral presentation.

Knight K. (2012) Student nurses experiences of a new student induction. Liverpool John Moores University JMU Teaching and Learning Conference. Oral presentation.

Knight K. Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2012) PhD progression. Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities. Oral presentation: Liverpool John Moores University Research Faculty Seminar – 27/11/12. Oral presentation.

Knight K. (2010) Mentorship within Higher Education. Liverpool John Moores University JMU Teaching and Learning Conference. Oral presentation.

Knight K. (2009) Experiences of Higher Education Teacher.  Liverpool John Moores University JMU Teaching and Learning Conference. Oral presentation.

Poster Presentations

Whaley, V., Bailey-McHale, R., Knight, K.H., Ridgway, V., Hay., J (Accepted for October 2022).  Supporting Student Skill Acquisition through a multi-University Collaboration. NETNEP 8th International Nurse Education Conference.  From Education to Impact: Transforming nursing and midwifery Education.  19-22 October 2022, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. 

Knight, K.H. Williams, R., Arnold, M. Walker, C. (2022) “All for one and one for all” Collaboration within Cheshire and Merseyside – Practice Learning.  RCN Education Forum Virtual Conference and Exhibition. Advancing equality, diversity and inclusion in nursing education.  Virtual.  Poster Presentation. 26/04/22

Knight, K.H. Walker, C. Williams, R. Hutchinson, T. Arnold, M, Shorney, L, Hay, J. (2022) Cheshire and Merseyside Higher Education Institutions Collaborating Throughout the Pandemic.  Poster Presentation.  Cheshire and Merseyside Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Sharing Best Practice Event. Wednesday 2nd March 2022 St George’s Hall, St George's Place, Liverpool.

Knight, K.H. Ridgway, V. Whaley, V, Bailey-McHale, R, O’Neill, Edgerley, J. Connor, A.  Caiger, L. Rive, M. Mitchell, D. Jones, G. Johnson-Whittle, P. Rooney, C. Devine, J, Hewins, R, Hay, J.  (2022) Contribution to Improving Health and Social Care Workforce – Using New Models of Practice Learning. Poster Presetnation.  Cheshire and Merseyside Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Sharing Best Practice Event. Wednesday 2nd March 2022 St George’s Hall, St George's Place, Liverpool.

Knight K.H. and Wallace L. (2018) Poster Presentation: Student Children and Young’s Nurses – Initial Perceptions of Clinical Placement.  Presented at The Association of Chief Children’s Nurses (ACCN) Conference 2018 London 07/09/18

Knight K.H and Wallace, L (2018) First Impressions of Placement - Children’s Nursing’ at the 12th MCHFT Healthcare Exposition ‘Small Changes’, BIG Differences’ on 08.06.18 at Leighton Hospital.

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2014) Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities Poster Presentation: ACCN Symposium 2014 Jersey 05/09/14. - Gold medal prize awarded

Knight K, Porcellato L, Vickerman P, Greenop D. (2013) Factors affecting physically disabled children and young people accessing out-of-school activities Poster Presentation: Alder Hey NHS Foundation Trust 07/05/13. – Prize awarded


Registered Nurse (Child)

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy

Post Graduate Teaching Certificate in Higher Education

Masters in Research  

BA (Hons) Nursing (Child)

Certificate of Professional Development in Clinical Intensive Care of Children