Dr Oladele Owodunni
Programme for MSc Mechanical Engineering
Dele is Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering and Programme Leader of MSc Mechanical Engineering. Dr Owodunni has taught, researched and been involved in enterprise activities in the UK for over 15 years, securing funding and supervised/been part of supervision teams of a few successfully-completed PhD’s.
I have taught across a range of Mechanical Engineering courses/modules, particularly those in Design and Manufacturing. My focus in the coming years is on whole-person education (e.g. integrating the psychomotor, cognitive and affective dimensions of learning popularised by Bloom and associates).
I teach the following modules
- Manufacturing Technology (Level 4)
- Advanced Manufacturing Processes (Level 6)
- Advanced Manufacturing processes and systems (Level 7)
- Mechanical Engineering Group project (Level 7)
- MSc Project (Level 7)
My research area is Design and Manufacturing. In this area of research I am interested in improving, and new development of, design and manufacturing processes through support principles, tools and systems, whether manual or computer-implemented. This research covers areas conventionally referred to as Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing / Computer Aided Engineering / Computer Aided Process Planning (CAD/CAM; CAE; CAPP). In recent times, these areas have taken different names such as: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Manufacturing Knowledge Management, Digital Manufacturing, Intelligent Manufacturing, Virtual Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing, Cloud Manufacturing, Industrial Internet of things (IIOT), Industrial Cyber-Physical systems, Industry 4.0.
In my research, I aim to: (1) apply sound methodology (2) focus on invariant principles that are scalable to different environments (e.g. to low or high-tech implementation platforms) (3) ensure the results are environmentally and socially responsible.
I have been involved as main supervision or part of the supervision team of nine successfully completed MPhil/M Research/PhD research studies.
My research has involved working with companies and entrepreneurs to transfer knowledge (e.g. Knowledge Transfer Partnership, KTP) or develop/improve products and processes. Several research grants (of about £300,000 to date) have been obtained to support my research.
Articles in peer-reviewed international journals
(1) Yang Yang, Srichand Hinduja, Oladele O. Owodunni, Robert Heinemann. Recognition of features in sheet metal parts manufactured using progressive dies, Computer-Aided Design, Volume 134, 2021, 102991, ISSN 0010-4485.
(2) El Souri, M., Gao, J., Owodunni, O., Simmonds, C. and Martin, N., 2018. A structured approach to defect data management for improving DFM implementation in aerospace manufacturing. International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 10(4), pp. 282-300.
(3) Fei, G., Gao, J., Owodunni, O. and Tang, X., 2011. A method for engineering design change analysis using system modelling and knowledge management techniques. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 24(6), pp. 535-551.
(4) Fei, G., Gao, J., Owodunni, D. and Tang, X., 2011. A model-driven and knowledge-based methodology for engineering design change management. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 8(3), pp. 373-382.
(5) Hinduja, S., Mansor, M.S.A. and Owodunni, O.O., 2010. Voronoi-diagram-based linking of contour-parallel tool paths for two-and-a-half-dimensional closed-pocket machining. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 224(9), pp. 1329-1350.
(6) Mwinuka, T., Hinduja, S. and Owodunni, O.O., 2007. Extendible operation sequencing for turn-milled components. CIRP annals, 56(1), pp. 473-478.
(7) Mansor, M.S.A., Hinduja, S. and Owodunni, O.O., 2006. Voronoi diagram-based tool path compensations for removing uncut material in 21⁄2D pocket machining. Computer-Aided Design, 38(3), pp. 194-209.
(8) Owodunni, O. and Hinduja, S., 2005. Systematic development and evaluation of composite methods for recognition of three-dimensional subtractive features. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 219(12), pp. 871-890.
(9) Owodunni, O.O., Diaz-Rozo, J. and Hinduja, S., 2004. Development and evaluation of a low-cost computer controlled reconfigurable rapid tool. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 1(1-4), pp. 101-108.
(10) Owodunni, O. and Hinduja, S., 2002. Evaluation of existing and new feature recognition algorithms: Part 2: Experimental results. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 216(6), pp. 853-866.
(11) Owodunni, O. and Hinduja, S., 2002. Evaluation of existing and new feature recognition algorithms: Part 1: Theory and implementation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 216(6), pp. 839-851.
(12) Owodunni, O., Mladenov, D. and Hinduja, S., 2002. Extendible classification of design and manufacturing features. CIRP Annals, 51(1), pp. 103-106.
Article in Trade Journal
(13) Owodunni, O., Salman, M., Mansor, A. and Hinduja, S., 2005. Rapid development of product prototypes from reverse engineering and reconfigurable tooling. Time-Compression Technologies Mag, 13(4), pp. 45-49.
Articles in proceedings of peer-reviewed international conferences
(14) Owodunni, O., 2018. Social Sustainability in technologically-supported product realisation process. Procedia Manufacturing, 21, pp. 313-320.
(15) El Souri, M., Gao, J., Owodunni, O., Simmonds, C. and Martin, N., 2018, August. Improving Product Design through Knowledge Management in Aerospace Manufacturing Lifecycle. In Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 33rd National Conference on Manufacturing Research, September 11–13, 2018, University of Skövde, Sweden (Vol. 8, pp. 197-202). IOS Press.
(16) El Souri, M., Gao, J., Owodunni, O., Simmonds, C. and Martin, N., 2017, June. Improving Design for Manufacturing implementation in knowledge intensive collaborative environments: An analysis of organisational factors in aerospace manufacturing. In 2017 IEEE Technology & Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON) (pp. 448-454). IEEE.
(17) El Souri, M., Gao, J. and Owodunni, O., 2017. An analysis of design for manufacturing requirements for managing aerospace manufacturing knowledge, Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, Volume 6: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXI, pp. 491-496.
(18) Owodunni, O., 2017. Awareness of energy consumption in manufacturing processes. Procedia Manufacturing, 8, pp. 152-159.
(19) El Souri, M., Gao, J., Owodunni, O., Martin, N. and Simmonds, C., 2016. An investigation into the management of design for manufacturing knowledge in an aerospace company, In Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXX: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, Incorporating the 31st National Conference on Manufacturing Research, September 6–8, 2016, Loughborough University, UK (Vol. 3, pp. 401-406.). IOS Press.
(20) Owodunni, O.O. and Pinder, D., 2016. Sustainability improvement in milling operation through improved tool design and optimized process parameters-an industrial case study. Procedia CIRP, 40, pp. 498-503.
(21) Owodunni, O., 2016. Research Methodology Framework for CAD/CAM-A synthesis of existing approaches, Proceedings of CAD'16, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 290-295
(22) Owodunni, O., 2016. 50 Years after “Sketchpad”: Has CAD research reached a golden age?, Proceedings of CAD'15, London, United Kingdom, pp. 443-448.
(23) Evans, R.D., Gao, J.X., Owodunni, O., Shah, S., Mahdikhah, S., Messaadia, M. and Baudry, D., 2014, September. A framework for improving the sharing of manufacturing knowledge through micro-blogging. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (pp. 19-26). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
(24) Zhang, T., Owodunni, O. and Gao, J., 2015. Scenarios in multi-objective optimisation of process parameters for sustainable machining. Procedia CIRP, 26, pp. 373-378.
(25) Owodunni, O.O., Zhang, T. and Gao, J., 2013. Energy consideration in machining operations-towards explanatory models for optimisation results, Proceedings of the 2013 Global conference on Sustainable manufacturing, 23rd-25th September, Berlin., pp. 158-163.
(26) Zhang, T., Owodunni, O.O., Gao, J. and Habtay,Y. 2011. Energy-efficient Toolpath Strategy for End Milling Operation, Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR), Glasgow, United Kingdom, pp. 199-205.
(27) Fei, G., Gao, J., Owodunni, O.O. and Tang, X.Q., 2010. A methodology for engineering design change management using modelling and problem solving techniques. In Proceedings of the 36th International MATADOR Conference (pp. 179-182). Springer, London.
(28) Makki H, Heinemann R, Hinduja S, Owodunni O O., Online determination of tool run-out and wear using machine vision and image processing techniques. Innovative Production Machines and Systems, IPROMS 2009, 5th Virtual Conference. Editor D.T. Pham, E.E. Eldukhri and A.J. Soroka. 2009.
(29) Owodunni, O., Hinduja, S., Mekid, S. and Zia, A., 2007. An investigation of optimum cutting conditions for STEP-NC turned features, 2007 I*PROMS Conference on Innovative Production Machines and Systems, July 2007.
(30) Owodunni, O. and S. Hinduja, S., Towards scientific methodology for Intelligent CAD/CAM research, Proc. 5th Int. seminar on Intelligent Computation for Manufacturing Engineering (CIRP ICME ‘06), July 2006, pp. 623-627.
(31) Owodunni, O., Hinduja, S. Towards rapid sheetmetal forming, Proceedings of 1st I*PROMS Virtual International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems, IPROMS 2005, 4-15 July 2005, pp. 573-578.
(32) Owodunni, O., Mansor, S. A., and Hinduja, S., Rapid Development of product prototypes from Reverse Engineering and Reconfigurable tooling presented at Time Compression Technologies Conference, Birmingham, UK, 2004.
(33) Owodunni, O. and Hinduja, S., 2004. Extendible Detection, Classification and Process Planning of Machining Features. In Proceedings of the 34th International MATADOR Conference (pp. 37-44). Springer, London.
- BSc (Mechanical Engineering)
- MSc (Mechanical Engineering
- PhD (Mechanical Engineering)