Dr Richard Stocker

Senior Lecturer

School of Computing and Engineering Sciences
Dr Richard Stocker

Richard has a BSc in Computer Science (2005), MSc in Advanced Computer Science (2008), and PhD on the topic of Towards the Formal Verification of Human-Agent-Robot Teamwork (2013) from the University of Liverpool. After completing his PhD, Richard went on to work as a grade II Computer Scientist at NASA Ames in California as a contractor from SGT, inc.

There, Richard worked on building simulations of human-agent-robot interactions in aerospace, namely looking at simulating the workload of pilots in single pilot flights. Additionally, Richard also worked on a project for simulating air traffic control situations where controller's actions are guided by an intelligent system.

In 2015, Richard moved into teaching with a role as an Associate Lecturer at Middlesex University, where he taught on the foundation year. Richard taught modules that helped students understand databases, web development and robotics. Richard move to The University of Chester in November of 2017 as a Senior Lecturer, teaching databases, web, artificial intelligence and robotics.

Richard has been the programme leader for Software Engineering, but gave up that position to design a new Data Science programme. Richard is also responsible for the Year in Industry module, where students take a year out of studies to work in industry for a year.

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Richard teaches on a variety of modules for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels of Computer Science:

  • CO4222 - Databases I
  • CO5000 - Year in Industry
  • CO5205 - Data Analytics
  • CO6226 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • CO7316 - Robotics Previously taught modules
  • CO5227 - Web Application Development
  • CO5222 - Databases II

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Formal Methods Human-Agent-Robot Simulation Simulating Human Workload Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
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M. Botton, F. Palumboy, G. Primiero, F. Raimondi, and R. Stocker. Implementing virtual pheromones in bdi robots using mqtt and jason. In 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, CloudNet ’16, page "to appear", 2016.

J. Hunter, F. Raimondi, N. Rungta, and R. Stocker. A synergistic and extensible framework for multiagent system verification. In Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, AAMAS ’13, pages 869–876, Richland, SC, 2013. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.

N. Rungta, E. Mercer, F. Raimondi, B. Krantz, R. Stocker, and A. Wallace. Modelling complex air traffic management systems. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering, MiSE ’16, pages 41–47. ACM, 2016.

R. Stocker, L. A. Dennis, C. Dixon, and M. Fisher. Verifying brahms human-robot teamwork models. In L. F. del Cerro, A. Herzig, and J. Mengin, editors, JELIA, volume 7519 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 385–397. Springer, 2012.

R. Stocker, N. Rungta, E. Mercer, F. Raimondi, J. Holbrook, C. Cardoza, and M. Goodrich. An approach to quantify workload in a system of agents. In Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pages 1041–1050. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2015.

Dr Richard S Stocker Ph.D. 4 R. Stocker, M. Sierhuis, L. A. Dennis, C. Dixon, and M. Fisher. A Formal Semantics for Brahms. In J. Leite, P. Torroni, T. Ågotnes, G. Boella, and L. van der Torre.

  • BSc
  • MSc
  • PhD