Dr Dan Baldock

Lecturer in Biology

School of Natural Sciences
Dr Dan Baldock

Dr Dan Baldock has a background in biochemistry, and has experience in both academia, industry and FE before teaching/researching at the University of Chester. He has previous experience with biochemical techniques, microbiology and drug development, including how to apply this knowledge in an industrial/professional setting.

He is involved in the analytical side of teaching, which includes general biology and forensic biology. He also is currently undertaking cross disciplinary research with postgraduate students and external organisations.

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Dr Dan Baldock is involved directly with the Biology degree programme, the Forensic Biology degree programme, and is module leader on two forensic-focused modules that explore the analytical chemistry/biochemistry aspects. He contributes to several other modules and practical sessions, including (but not limited to) Microbiology and Immunology.

Currently, he has a PhD student who is exploring the link between hydrogen peroxide disinfection and plant growth in vertical farming systems. He hopes to expand this with additional postgraduate students in the future.

He is also the Careers Link Tutor for the department, and has been forming links with internal and external resources to further support students in their future career. He is also qualified in health and safety, and uses this to teach and train as appropriate.

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Current research interests include:

  • Water toxicity analysis and potential applications - this includes vertical farming/hydroponics.
  • Determining microbial contamination in both water and other areas - this includes biofilms/biofouling.
  • Photoreactive antimicrobial compounds, and methods of both delivering and retaining these for treatment options.
  • Identifying and exploring novel compounds that may be used as pesticides, fertilisers etc.
  • Alternative means for forensic toxicology relating to drug isolation and extraction.

Funded Projects:

Horticultural application of stabilised hydrogen peroxide for improved crop performance (Studentship)
University of Chester, 1 Nov 2023 - 31 Oct 2026

Effect of acidic pH on flow cytometric detection of bacteria stained with SYBR Green I and their distinction from background


Published 29 July 2013  © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, Volume 1, Number 4

Citation Daniel Baldock et al 2013 Methods Appl. Fluoresc. 1 045001

DOI 10.1088/2050-6120/1/4/045001

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