My Legal Work Based Learning Experience
Second-year Law student Olivia Eastell, tells us about her Work Based Learning experience with two Law firms in Leeds.

"As part of the Work Based Learning Module in the second year of my Law Degree, there is the option to undertake a five-week placement, in order to immerse yourself into a work place and gain invaluable skills and knowledge in your chosen sector. For this, I moved back to my home city of Leeds, and I undertook placement in two different Law Firms.
During my first week of placement, I spent some time in an international commercial Law Firm – Squire Patton Boggs. This was an exciting experience, and during my time there I had the opportunity to sit in on meetings, help prepare trial bundles, and also have plenty of discussions with trainee solicitors who gave very helpful advice. These are opportunities I most likely would not have been exposed to, had I not undertaken this work experience. The week gave me an increased insight into the commercial law world, and I also feel that my professional skills benefitted greatly from the experience. I also learned that the social aspect to a commercial firm was great, and every person no matter their title, was extremely approachable and willing to assist with any questions i had.
My following four weeks were spent in another city centre firm, where I had previously undertaken work experience at the age of 16. The firm, Grahame Stowe Bateson, allowed for me to undertake placement in the criminal, family and mental health departments, which allowed me to experience a wide variety of situations. I was able to visit court, attend police stations, communicate with defendants and also attend tribunals and a trial. The skills I learned from my time on placement are invaluable, and will definitely help to shape and support my future legal career. The skills I mainly exercised were adaptability, communication skills, and I also developed my professional skills in a workplace environment.
Overall, I would recommend undertaking a placement as part of the second-year work-based-learning module, as the experience has been exciting, educational and also a rewarding end to the academic year. I feel as though my legal knowledge of the general legal proceedings, court etiquette and how a firm operates, has significantly developed, and this has furthered my drive to have a successful legal career."
If you'd like to find out more about our Law courses, or Work Based Learning, come along to one of our Open Days.