Centre for Academic Innovation and Development

The Centre for Academic Innovation and Development (CAID) leads on the delivery of our Citizen Student Education Plan. We are the creative catalyst for curriculum design, educational enhancement and academic practice development at Chester. We partner with University of Chester staff and students, employers and the third sector, to offer fresh thinking and educational ideas from around the globe to stimulate curriculum innovation, pedagogic inquiry and evidence-based academic practice.

Curriculum and Learning Design
CAID works with University of Chester staff and students to deliver the university’s ambitions to create flexible, digitally-enhanced curricula and embed elements of online learning across our portfolio. The expertise of our senior learning technologists contributed to the achievement of a WhatUni award for Digital Innovation in 2021.
CAID works with University of Chester staff and students to deliver the university’s ambitions to create flexible, digitally-enhanced curricula and embed elements of online learning across our portfolio. The expertise of our senior learning technologists contributed to the achievement of a WhatUni award for Digital Innovation in 2021.
Online learning activities and learning design
The digital education team in CAID provides resources and guidance for staff to create engaging and accessible online learning using the teaching tools and learning platforms in use at the university. They help departments, programme teams, module leaders and individual teaching staff create effective online learning activities and environments. They offer curated anytime learning materials, one-to-one support and drop-ins, as well as core and bespoke workshops aligned firmly to learning design principles and to the conversational framework learning types. This ensures that a clear educational purpose is at the heart of innovative solutions for learning.
Curriculum development and curriculum design
CAID staff from the digital education and academic practice teams are working with representatives from the departments and professional services to develop robust insight and evidence into ‘what works’ as we develop our future blend of in-person, blended and online delivery. Leading two professional learning communities, CAID and colleagues are: (i) exploring the potential of dual delivery teaching to deliver social learning experiences; and (ii) reviewing sector best-practice and piloting a robust course design support and approval process that will work across our portfolio and a range of teaching delivery and learning modes.

Community and Innovation
CAID provides a platform for University of Chester staff and students to collaborate and innovate to improve teaching and support student learning. Our communities and learning networks are important to the way we share and develop practice. They embody our university foundational values as well as those of lifelong learning and collegial exchange.
CAID provides a platform for University of Chester staff and students to collaborate and innovate to improve teaching and support student learning. Our communities and learning networks are important to the way we share and develop practice. They embody our university's foundational values as well as those of lifelong learning and collegial exchange.
Colleagues from the University of Chester that are interested to establish a community or learning network are invited to contact caid@chester.ac.uk for an initial conversation.
SaP Chat: Students as Partners Institutional Network
This cross-institutional network brings together students, academics, and professional staff who are interested in the area of ‘students as partners’. This includes people who have worked, or are currently working, in student-staff partnerships and people who want to learn more about this way of working. It focuses on sharing practice and supporting others as they navigate the benefits and challenges of working together in this way with the overall aim of embedding the practice of 'students as partners' across all areas of the institution.
For information contact Professor Ruth Healey.
- A Guide to Working with Students as Partners
- University of Chester Case Studies of Working with Students as Partners
Teaching and Learning Community
The teaching and learning community is an online teaching commons for staff from the University of Chester and its Associate Colleges. Community-led, the planning group works with CAID to deliver development opportunities that support all staff and advance the Citizen Student Education Plan principles and priorities. The TLC provides a place to grow teaching and scholarship expertise with colleagues.
For more information contact caid@chester.ac.uk.

Teaching Development Programmes
CAID offers programmes for academic and professional services staff to develop their teaching and support for student learners. The programmes are tailored to meet the needs of staff in a range of roles and at different career stages. Most programmes offer recognition for teaching and support for learning mapped against the Professional Standards Framework and lead to Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. External candidates and staff in partner colleges can access some of our programmes.
The Centre for Academic Innovation and Development offers programmes for academic and professional services staff to develop their teaching and support for student learners. The programmes are tailored to meet the needs of staff in a range of roles and at different career stages. Most programmes offer recognition for teaching and support for learning mapped against the Professional Standards Framework and lead to Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. External candidates and staff in partner colleges can access some of our programmes.
Teaching and Learning Essentials for New Teachers
Teaching and Learning Essentials for New Teachers (TALENT) is aimed at University of Chester postgraduate research students and visiting lecturers who are new to teaching, and more established University and Associate College professional services staff who have some responsibility for teaching and supporting learning. TALENT provides a group setting to learn about, and experiment with, effective in-person and online teaching strategies. Completion of the TALENT assessment enables those with appropriate teaching experience who are registered on the scheme to apply for the Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
Chester Enhancement and Recognition of Teaching Scheme
The Chester Enhancement and Recognition of Teaching Scheme (CERTS) is aimed at University of Chester staff who are already part-way through their academic career, and who are engaged with teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education. CERTS enables staff to gain Associate Fellowship, Fellowship or Senior Fellowship of the HEA according to their role, activities and experience. Participants on CERTS benefit from one-to-one support from an adviser to develop and reflect on their experience in HE in preparation for gaining professional recognition. Staff from the University's Associate Colleges are able to apply for Advance HE Fellowship (aligned to UKPSF Descriptor 2) via CERTS on payment of current fees.
PG Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
The PG Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education provides a nationally recognised qualification for staff who teach or support learning in the HE sector. It is a part-time, level 7 programme aimed at early career academics and professional services staff who support learning in HE as a substantial part of their role. Modules cover a range of key topics such as pedagogic theory, principles of assessment and feedback and enhancing practice, and use a combination of in-person and online teaching methods.
On successful completion, participants are awarded Fellowship of the HEA. Staff in any of the University’s UK partner institutions can access the PG Cert LTHE, on payment of current fees (heavily discounted for staff in Associate Colleges).
PG Dip/MA Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
This is a part-time, level 7 course which allows participants to extend and develop their learning from the PG Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. Participants select modules from a range of options to reflect the aspects of their roles they wish to develop further, for example, educational leadership, or inclusive teaching. Those continuing to the MA will also undertake an original research dissertation on an approved topic of their choice.