Susan Brownrigg

He has a busy day ahead, takes out his phone and checks his weather app, better take a brolly. 
           Strolls to the bus stop and joins a short queue. Checks the app. Ten minutes to wait, looks like they’re running late again.
            It turns up after 11 minutes. He gets on board, holds his mobile steady to pay, then finds a seat next to a woman who is doing one of them jigsaw games on her phone. She reminds him of his daughter. He wonders how Alison is doing, opens up Instagram and scrolls her profile. There are photos of her on holiday with her family. Somewhere sunny with golden sand. Jugs of sangria and dishes of paella. Ah, Spain. He’s never been. Looks nice. Looks hot. He checks his weather app again. Yes, a good three degrees warmer.
            The bus pulls in at the retail park. He waits his turn to get off. 
            Opens Notes and checks his list. Readies Lidl Plus, checks the coupons. He’s too early for a free bakery product. Picks up milk and bread, a packet of corned beef, two tins of soup, own-brand Jaffa Cakes, then wanders over to the self-serve tills. In and out.
            He checks what time the bus back is due. He’s just missed one, he could go the library, but it’s closed on Mondays now. B&M? He purses his lips. Not as cheap as it used to be.
           He sits on a bench, watches kids scoot past on skateboards. He had one once, still has the scar on his elbow from when he crashed into a bin. Which reminds him he should check if his repeat prescription is ready. There’s one of those 24-hour collection points next to where the bank used to be. 
            He logs in to My GP. No, not yet.
            He shuts the app and opens mobile banking. Sends Alison some money, so the kids can buy some ice cream and whatnot. 
            Tasks complete, he takes the bus home. 
            Opens the door, calls out to the cat. ‘Did you miss me?’