Prof Loveday Alexander
Visiting Professor

Loveday Alexander is Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies at Sheffield University, and is a Canon-Theologian at both Chester and Chichester Cathedrals.
Loveday was trained as a classicist and has retained an overriding interest in exploring the boundaries and interconnections between the New Testament and its first-century context.
Alongside her academic work, she is interested in exploring the impact of the New Testament in church teaching and workshops at local, diocesan and national level, and has contributed a chapter on the patterns of church and mission found in Acts to Steven Croft’s Mission-Shaped Questions (London: Church House Publishing 2008). She is a member of the Ministry Council and of the Faith and Order Commission for the Church of England, and an assistant parish priest in Alderley Edge, Cheshire. She is married to Philip Alexander, Emeritus Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Manchester, and enjoys spending time with their two children, two grandchildren, and two cats.
She edited Images of Empire (Sheffield: JSOT 1991), and is the author of The Preface to Luke’s Gospel(SNTSMS 78; Cambridge: CUP 1993), The People’s Bible: Acts (Oxford: Bible Reading Fellowship, 2006), and Acts in its Ancient Literary Context: A Classicist Looks at the Acts of the Apostles, (London: T&T Clark International, 2006). She is completing a commentary on Acts for the Black’s New Testament Commentary series (Continuum) and a volume of essays on Acts and the Ancient Reader (SPCK), and beginning work on the International Critical Commentary volume on Hebrews with Philip Alexander (Continuum).