Employers, Recruiters and Voluntary Organisations

The Careers and Employability department specialises in connecting students and graduates with local and national companies and organisations. We offer a range of initiatives to meet your organisation’s requirements, whilst enhancing our students’ academic experience through the curriculum, via employer contact, in tailored group sessions and by providing individual advice and guidance.
Based within Careers and Employability, the Employer Engagement Team specialises in providing tailored services to employers. To find out more about the team and how to engage with our talented students and graduates, visit their website.
Our Employer Engagement Team can also connect you with the wider University community to access facilities, research, business growth and much more.
We offer a variety of ways for you to engage with our talented students and graduates, to let them know more about your business and the employment opportunities you have available.
You can meet our students face-to-face by participating in our Employer in the Foyer initiative, which takes place from October to April annually.
As employability has moved higher up the agenda across UK Higher Education, the appetite to deliver more meaningful activities with employers has increased. At the University of Chester, we are keen to foster the engagement of employers with our academic colleagues, working in close partnership with the Careers and Employability service. Why not talk to us about Experiential Learning opportunities available to you in the curriculum?
Our Employer Engagement Team works closely with employers and recruiters, enabling them to recruit our talented students and graduates from a wide range of subject disciplines.
We offer a variety of ways for you to promote your employment opportunities, as well as your organisation, to our students and graduates. These include participating in our Employer in the Foyer initiative, or acting as an employer host for Chester Internships. . You can also access our Vacancy Advertising service on our free-to-use, fully GDPR-compliant, self-managed platform, CareerHub.
Find out about the graduate route for international students, who want to work following the successful completion of a UK bachelor’s degree or higher qualification. You can also access a Guide for Employers: Recruiting International Graduates.
To find out more, please contact the Employer Engagement Team: employers@chester.ac.uk 01244 513066.
Voluntary Organisations
The Volunteering and Mentoring team, within Careers and Employability, provides charitable organisations and not-for-profit volunteer providers with the opportunity to recruit student volunteers through our Volunteer Hub. The team can also provide guidance for recruiting student volunteers as well as advertising to students through our events.
We welcome any charity or not-for-profit organisation with volunteer opportunities for our students to register on our Volunteer Hub. We have sites in Chester and Warrington, for any in-person activities, and we also have a dedicated page for any activities that could be completed from home.
By registering with us, you’ll be able to advertise your activities directly to students, as well as being added to our mailing list which will provide you with information on upcoming events. A member of the team can also meet with your organisation to discuss your opportunities and how these can be advertised to our students.
NB: Please note, we can only advertise opportunities where the activity takes place within the UK and is for a charitable or not-for-profit organisation.