Preparing for Placement

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Reasonable Adjustments for Students with Diverse Needs on Placement.

It's important to ensure that students with diverse needs are provided with reasonable adjustments to facilitate their success during placements. Here is a guide detailing challenges that students with specific needs might face and the corresponding reasonable adjustments during planning, placement, and post-placement phases.

Please note: the examples provided below are for the purpose of guidance only, and should not be considered an exhaustive list. They should therefore be altered, amended and further adjustments added to fully support the individual needs of students.

A copy of the RAPP form, and a document containing all the examples below, can be found on our Policies page under Reasonable Adjustment Placement Plan.

Challenges Planning for Placement During Placement Post Placement

Reading/writing difficulties

Provide placement-related information in multiple formats (e.g., digital text, audio, simplified language)

Allow extended time for reading/writing tasks and offer digital recording of information where possible.

Review progress in reading/writing skills, discuss strategies that worked, and areas for improvement

Organisational issues

Clearly communicate placement schedule, expectations, and procedures in a step-by-step manner

Assign a mentor to help organise tasks, introduce time-management tools specific to placement

Reflect on improved organisational skills and strategies applied during placement

Information processing challenges

Offer pre-placement information in short sections with bullet points or visuals

Break down complex tasks into smaller steps, use flowcharts for processes, provide note-taking guides and memory retention strategies

Discuss how improved information processing techniques were applied to placement tasks

Sensory sensitivities 

Identify sensory-friendly placement settings and share this information

Provide a quiet and comfortable space for breaks; consider sensory needs when selecting placement area

Reflect on coping strategies learned to manage sensory sensitivities

Communication barriers

Share communication preferences and guidelines for effective interaction

Utilise visual aids, written communication, and structured communication techniques

Discuss effective communication strategies employed and improvements observed

Transitions and changes

Provide a detailed schedule of placement activities and changes

Offer consistent routines and advance notice for any changes

Reflect on adapting to changes and transitions, and personal growth in managing these challenges

Attention difficulties

Provide a clear overview of placement tasks and expectations

Offer reminders, use color-coded schedules, and break down tasks into smaller steps

Evaluate improvements in attention management and discuss strategies applied during placement


Set clear guidelines for decision-making and prioritisation

Allow for short, frequent breaks to channel excess energy and promote self-regulation

Reflect on decision outcomes and self-regulation strategies adopted

Time management challenges

Share time management techniques and tools

Implement a structured schedule and offer support for time management

Reflect on development of time management skills and utilisation of techniques and strategies.

Challenges Planning for Placement During Placement Post Placement


Offer pre-placement anxiety support, including information about available resources and support systems

Create a supportive and inclusive environment, consider role preferences for reduced anxiety

Reflect on coping mechanisms acquired, support utilised, and personal growth during placement

Stress management

Share stress management strategies, including mindfulness techniques

Encourage regular breaks, relaxation techniques, and self-care practices

Evaluate stress management improvements and discuss ongoing application of techniques

Emotional challenges

Provide information about emotional well-being and available support resources

Assign a supportive mentor and foster an open dialogue about emotions and challenges

Reflect on emotional growth, resilience, and strategies for managing emotional challenges

Challenges Planning for Placement During Placement Post Placement

Access to information

Ensure all placement-related materials are available in accessible formats, such as Braille or large print

Provide accessible tools (e.g., screen readers) and ensure compatibility with placement software

Discuss utilisation of adaptive tools, improvements in accessing information, and lessons learned

Navigation challenges

Familiarise the student with the placement layout and any potential obstacles

Offer orientation and mobility training; ensure clear signage and pathways within the placement area

Reflect on navigation skills acquired and apply them to future situations

Challenges Planning for Placement During Placement Post Placement

Communication barriers

Determine the student's preferred mode of communication and share it with placement staff

Provide communication alternatives, such as written instructions and visual cues

Reflect on enhanced communication strategies employed and share successes and challenges

Environmental awareness

Highlight potential auditory challenges in the placement environment

Ensure awareness of the student's hearing impairment among staff and consider visual alerts

Discuss strategies employed to navigate auditory challenges and the impact on overall awareness

Challenges Planning for Placement During Placement Post Placement

Physical access challenges

Assess placement facility for accessibility and provide detailed information

Arrange accessible facilities and accommodations for mobility aids

Reflect on accessibility experiences, any improvements observed, and recommendations for the future

Mobility assistance

Plan for mobility support, if needed, based on the student's specific requirements

Offer assistance for mobility tasks, access to appropriate equipment

Discuss enhanced independence, mobility skills, and self-advocacy learned during the placement

Challenges Planning for Placement During Placement Post Placement

Medical emergencies

Share medical information and emergency action plans

Educate placement staff about the student's medical needs and actions to take during emergencies

Reflect on experiences with emergency management, self-advocacy skills, and ways to improve if required

Medication management

Coordinate medication schedules and provide information on medication administration

Ensure access to prescribed medications, storage, and a private space for administration

Discuss effective medication management strategies, independence, and improvements in self-care to manage condition