What you'llStudy

Year 1 provides a comprehensive review of key concepts and skills irrelevant of your background. You will gain the core discipline knowledge, skills and competency within the laboratory environment, and explore topics such as genetics and evolution, data handling, cell biology and biochemistry.

Module content:

Introduction to Genetics

Mendelian Genetics

Introduction to Cytogenetics

Introduction to DNA

Protein Synthesis and the Genetic Code

Inheritance patterns of single genes and gene interaction

On the origin of species

Natural selection and speciation

Classification and phylogenies

Evolution and conservation

The Molecular Basis and Phenotypic Consequences of Mutation

Understanding genetic analysis

Introduction to gene technology

Evolution of Disease

Genetics of Disease

Module aims:

The module is designed to provide students with:

An understanding of the application of taxonomic principles

An appreciation of the weight of evidence supporting modern evolutionary theory

 An enhanced understanding of the  basic principles and concepts in classical and modern genetics.

Module content:

Science and public health reform in the 20th and 21st century

Introduction to the structure, function(s) and growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi

Introduction of the role of microbes as pathogens (including parasites)

Application of microbial processes in medicine and industry

Antibiotics and bacterial resistance

Introduction to immune cells and molecules

Innate immunity – Cells involved, complement, processes involved

Acquired immunity – basic function, maturation and activation of B and T lymphocytes.

Introduction to Major Histocompatibility Complex
(MHC) and antigen presentation.

Antibody structure and function and the role of antibody and cell mediated immune mechanisms

Introduction to microbiological and immunological techniques

Module aims:

The module aims to provide students with an understanding of the processes in microbiology and immunology relevant to human and animal health. It describes the range of microbes that can affect human and animal health and how the immune system responds to these organisms.

Module content:

Core Quantitative Operations:

  • The role of hypotheses in science. The null and alternative hypothesis.
  • Basic statistical operations. Central tendency and dispersion (formulae and principles); populations and samples; frequency distributions (e.g. normal, binomial). Analysing two-sample designs: t-tests and nonparametric equivalents. Analysing frequency data: chi square and its variations. Correlation and linear regression analyses.
  • Computing operations. Fundamental operations using statistical packages. Using descriptive statistics to explore data; displaying descriptive statistics in charts and tables. Inferential statistics: computing t-tests and nonparametric equivalents; analysing frequency data using chi square; Correlation and regression analyses.

Specialised techniques of project design, academic skills and data analysis:

The module involves students working towards completing a portfolio of academic skills, project design and data analysis related to the area of study of their main degree programme with the advice and guidance of an appropriate tutor.

Module aims:

The use of quantitative methods in the design, collection, analysis and presentation of data is central to the practice of science. This module aims to introduce biological science students to the basic operations underlying both mathematical and statistical approaches to data preparation, analysis and presentation. In addition, students will receive training in the use of techniques and principles applying to their particular areas of study in preparation for more advanced study at levels 5 and 6. This module will cover material  and core skills common to all the sciences along with more specialist areas applicable to the student's discipline area.

Module content:

The “Ecology” module will provide an introductory but solid understanding of ecological theory and applications. Topics and concepts covered by the module will include: Organisms and their environment: local conditions and resources; single species population dynamics, intraspecific competition and life histories, geographical distribution (metapopulations and dispersal). Species interactions: interspecific competition, predation and herbivory, food webs, symbiosis and mutualism, disease and parasitism. Communities and ecosystems: community structure in time and space, biodiversity and its measurement, primary and secondary production, energy flows through ecosystems, macro-ecology and ecosystem dynamics; global change ecology.

Module aims:

This module aims to provide students with the theoretical background to the most important principles of ecology at all levels (individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems) and an appreciation about how these different levels interact in complex ecological systems. Furthermore, through seminars, laboratory practices and field experiences the module aims to provide fundamental skills in the logic and practice of scientific discovery applied to ecological research.

Module content:

  • Cell structure, organelle function and inclusions.
  • Nervous system structure and function, neurones, action potential transmissions, synapses, and sensory systems.
  • Study of the tissue type: connective, muscle and epithelial.
  • The use of anatomical descriptors to identify locations of the body.
  • The structure and function of the cardiac system, including blood components and parameters, vessels, cardiac cycle and lymphatic system.
  • Homeostatic control and the role of positive and negative feedback systems, and acid base balance.
  • Musculoskeletal system and integument of a range of taxa: muscle contraction, muscle types, skeleton structure and function, and locomotion.
  • Endocrine system: control and response to internal and external factors.
  • Structure and function of the digestive system: physical and chemical digestion, absorption and assimilation
  • Reproduction: structure and function of the reproductive system, reproductive cycles and their control, embryo development, parturition and growth in a range of taxa.
  • Respiration: structure and function of the respiratory system, transport and exchange of gas.
  • Osmoregulation: structure and function of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Module aims:

This module aims to provide students with a grounding knowledge in the principles of animal anatomy and physiology across a range of taxa. The module is designed so that students will gain an understanding in the structure and function of major body systems, and the physiological control of these systems, across a range of taxa. 

In Year 2 you will be looking at essential topic areas, exploring them in depth and developing your basic knowledge and skills. Some module choice is available and you are guided by your personal academic tutors.

Module content:

Indicative content:

  • Appreciation of numbers
  • Literature searching and critical appraisal of research papers
  • Survey methods and feedback
  • Experimental design
  • Research questions, hypotheses and statistical analysis
  • Research proposals and dissertations
  • Research ethics and sustainable development
  • Development and exposure to a range of core biological skills

Module aims:

To build upon knowledge gained in Level 4 (e.g. BI4114 Data Handling and Project Design); 

To equip students with the skills required to critically analyse primary research papers;

To provide an introduction to the essential processes involved when conducting good scientific research;

To expose students to a range of core biological skills and techniques;

To equip students with the statistical skills required to handle data, analyse and report findings in accordance with scientific convention;

To expose students to the importance of ethical and sustainable development considerations when conducting research in relevant disciplines;

Allow students to plan and complete a research proposal that will help them develop and prepare for their dissertation at Level 6.

Module content:

Support lecture programme (which will include seminars and interviews) and the work placement.

The content of the module will be specified in a Learning Agreement which will be negotiated and agreed between the student, the supervising tutor and, where appropriate, an employer within or outside the University.

The format of the agreement will be a standard pro forma. It will include such items as objectives, expected outcomes and a time management plan.  


  • Research project in conjunction with a local employer
  • Residential field work (involving planning, execution and evaluation)
  • The design and production of education and training materials for use in schools, colleges and other institutions.

Module aims:

To develop an understanding of the application of academic knowledge in work related or research context to give students experience of applying and developing skills in an appropriate and relevant setting to make students increasingly responsible for their own learning and encourage them to value and evaluate learning through experience.

Module content:

Introduction and development of the field of Behavioural Ecology. Optimizing behaviour; animal learning; group living; cooperative living; mutualism; sexual selection and mating systems; habitat preferences and dispersal; predator-prey relations. Practical workshops to develop skills in measurement of behaviour will run early in the module and support sessions for this element will run throughout the rest of he module. The theme of behavioural ecology in a changing world will underpin the module, through study of research papers, particularly in the practical work.

Module aims:

To develop students’ understanding of evolutionary and ecological theory in the interpretation and prediction of animals’ behaviour, with the focus on the behaviour of animals in the wild. This will prepare students for animal behaviour-related modules at L6. The practical work is designed to develop key skills in behavioural measurement, also in preparation for L6 work, particularly independent work for research project/dissertation modules.

Module content:

    • The nature of disease and pathology
    • Tissue damage and cell death processes
    • Basics of cancer biology, cancer detection and treatment
    • Haematology (functions & dys-functions of the blood)
    • Ageing and age related disease
    • Cardiovascular disease and obesity
    • Role of reactive oxygen species and cytokines in disease
    • Pregnancy related complications.

Module aims:

The module is intended to provide students with an introduction to the biology of disease that is applicable to human science. It will:

  • Develop understanding of fundamental concepts of aetiology, pathology and epidemiology which may be applied in further studies.
  • Review the causes and effects of a range of significant diseases, especially those prevalent in the UK.
  • Provide an opportunity for students to develop written and presentation skills.
  • Provide an opportunity to take on self-directed research of relevant topics.

Module content:

  • Architecture of the human genome and genetic variation within it.
  • Centre dogma, understanding the relationship between DNA, RNA and proteins.
  • Gene regulation: enhancers, promoters, transcription factors, silencers.
  • DNA sequence variation, type and frequency, e.g. single nucleotide variants, small insertions and deletions, copy number variation, rearrangements and tandem repeats.
  • Genes and proteins, the flow of genetic information via transcription and translation
  • Introduction to linkage, linkage disequilibrium and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
  • Mutational mechanisms: how different types of DNA variants affect gene function or expression to cause disease.
  • Correlation of genotype with phenotype.
  • Genetic diseases, cancer therapy and biomarkers
  • Measurements of DNA, RNA and Protein.
  • Modes of inheritance for clinical manifestation of human variation.

Module aims:

This module will provide a clear understanding of the structure and variations in genetic material covering basic genetics and genomics. The module will review the measurement of and role of DNA, RNA and proteins in the cell and the relationship between them, this module will explore the architecture of the human genome, the functional units embedded in it (enhancers, promoters, introns, exons, and untranslated regions). The ‘Genomic Variation’ with respect to DNA sequence variation – including single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions and deletions (indels), copy number variants (CNVs) and chromosomal aneuploidies – and how variation arises and is structured across the genome,. The module will also review fundamental concepts in genomic medicine, including the resultant of phenotypic changes, pleiotropy and heterogeneity in disease such as cancer. 

Module content:

Fundamentals of immunology.

Innate immunity.

Specific acquired immunity.

B cells and Antibodies.

Membrane receptors for antigen.

Antigen specific recognition.

The anatomy of the immune response.

Lymphocyte activation.

The production of effectors.

The regulation of the immune response.

Development and trafficking of immune cells.

Applied immunology.



Allergy and other hypersensitivities.

Autoimmune diseases.

Module aims:

This module covers the major topics in cellular and molecular immunology, including antigen recognition, antigen processing and presentation to B and T cells, the molecular events leading to the generation of antibody and T cell receptor diversity, antibody effector functions, the role of CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets and NK cells in immune responses, self-tolerance and autoimmunity, the inflammatory response and the role of immunity in protection against pathogens. The module will allow core immunological principles to be utilised in developing research proposals.

Module content:

The module will a) build upon topics discussed in MD4008: Introduction to Microbiology and b) introduce a number of novel topics relevant to microbiology, appropriate for level 5.


Topics discussed will include:

  • Bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
  • Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
  • Advanced microbiological practical techniques.
  • Microbial forensics.
  • Microbes as the causative agents of disease.
  • An introduction to epidemiology.

Module aims:

To understand the nature of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites from a range of perspectives.

To understand the concept of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and its relevance to public health.

To understand the role of microbes as causative agents of infectious disease.

To develop a range of practical laboratory skills.

Module content:

Part A:      

Preparation for Experiential Overseas Learning will take place at the university of Chester during level 5 and will include:  

  • The multiple facets of Global citizenship
  • Ethical engagement and practice
  • Cross-cultural issues and sensitivity
  • Intercultural communication

Theories, models and strategies of learning

  • Theories and models Intercultural competence
  • Theories and models of Integration and Multiculturalism
  • Critical thinking skills and models of Reflection
  • Experiential learning models
  • Self-directed experiential learning

Personal and placement-related skills

  • Enhanced independence
  • Improved command of multicultural behaviour
  • Increased knowledge and confidence in their individual facets of personal identity
  • Effective time management and organisational skills
  • Project management – working away from University and independent study
  • Self-management and personal development
  • Team building and team work

Part B:            Overseas

Students will engage in experiential learning activities overseas for at least 150 hours 

Module aims:

The purpose of this module is to enhance students’ prospects of completing an overseas placement to the best of their ability consequently it aims to:

  • To equip participants with appropriate knowledge and skills to study or work in a different cultural, linguistic and/or social environment; enhancing ethical, cultural and intercultural awareness.
  • To enhance students understanding of the ethical issues related to living and working abroad.
  • To increase students Global Citizenship skills
  • To provide an opportunity for students to reflect critically on their experience of living and learning within an unfamiliar culture, to their 'home' culture or ethnic group.

To challenge students to learn about themselves as global citizens in terms of life skills, career choices and academic development outside the classroom.

Module content:

Preparation for the year abroad will take place in Chester during level 5 and will include:

  • Cross-cultural issues and sensitivity
  • Host-country orientation, study methods– economic, political and social reality of the country
  • Orientation specific to exchange – health, education, gender issues
  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • Practical matters relating to living and studying in the wider world

Theories, models and strategies of learning

  • Critical thinking skills, experiential learning       and models of reflection

Personal and placement-related transversal skills

  • Effective self-motivation and independent resourcefulness
  • Effective time management and organisational skills
  • Project management – working away from University and independent study
  • Self-management and personal development

Whilst abroad:

Students will undertake study at one of UoC’s partner universities; it is expected that students will choose a series of modules at the university abroad, which equal a full-time study load. This must be agreed by the host institution and the International Tutor. Students must supply details of their courses/modules on a learning agreement within 4 weeks of arrival at the host university, note students who fail to supply this within 4 weeks may have the opportunity withdrawn.

Module aims:

  1. To experience academic life in country outside of the EU, enhancing cultural and intercultural awareness and increasing transversal skills.
  2. To reflect on the impact of the experience in their destination on one’s own personal, academic and professional development.
  3. To engage with the experience of study at a partner university to gain extensive first-hand knowledge and understanding of the relevant society from the perspective of the resident.
  4. To further develop independent learning techniques.
  5. To foster critical evaluation.

Module content:


  • Structured approaches to researching, selecting and securing a suitable work placement relevant to the student’s interests and career aspirations*.
  • Writing an effective CV. Constructing a letter of application.*
  • Interview skills.*

 *Note: Students are required to undertake these pre-placement tasks during term 1 level 5, as part of the placement acquisition process and will be supported by the Work Based Learning team and the Careers and Employability department.

 Induction Programme and Placement:

  • The organisational context: research-informed analysis of the placement organisation’s aims, structure, culture.
  • Self- assessment of needs: identification of the range of transferable skills, competencies and attitudes employees need and employers expect graduates to possess. (Employability Skills: e.g. verbal and written communication, analytical / problem solving capabilities; self-management; team working behaviours; negotiation skills; influencing people; positive attitude, resilience, building rapport).
  • Devising a strategy for integrating into the workplace and work based teams
  • Completion of online assignment tasks covering sourcing and obtaining placement; health and safety procedures in general; general workplace integrity; placement requirements. 

During and post-placement: Learning effectively in and from the workplace:- 

  • Devising and implementing strategies to improve own approach and performance
  • Critical analysis/evaluation of approach to skill development and performance in the workplace;
  • Influencing the Placement Provider’s appraisal;
  • Devising an action plan to develop gaps in transferable skills based on the placement experiences;

Module aims:

This module aims to enhance students’ prospects of gaining graduate level employment through engagement with a University approved work placement**, which will enable them to:

  • Develop their understanding of workplace practice and lifelong learning;
  • Enhance their work readiness and employability prospects through development of transferable skills;
  • Take responsibility for their own learning and acquisition of workplace employability skills;
  • Articulate, in writing, their employability skills.

Module content:

  • The organisational context: research-informed analysis of the sector’s role, development opportunities or career paths.
  • Self- assessment of needs: identification of the range of transferable skills, competencies and attitudes employees need and employers expect graduates to possess. (Employability Skills: e.g. verbal and written communication, analytical / problem solving capabilities; self-management; team working behaviours; negotiation skills; influencing people; developing a positive work attitude, resilience, building rapport with co-workers).
  • Devising strategies to improve one’s own career.
  • Critical analysis/evaluation of skills already acquired.
  • Devising an action plan to address gaps in transferable skills based on organisational analysis and sector opportunities.

Module aims:

This module aims to enhance students’ prospects of gaining graduate level employment, which will enable them to:-

  • Enhance their work readiness and employability prospects through identifying relevant transferable skills for their chosen career path,
  • Clearly articulate their career plans and take steps to prepare for their first graduate role,
  • Take responsibility for their own learning and acquisition of workplace employability skills,
  • Articulate, in writing, their employability skills.

Year 3 modules integrate the key concepts and heightens awareness of current advances and practice in the discipline. At this level you are required to display greater levels of independence and take significant responsibility for your learning.

Module content:

The module offers students the opportunity to engage in extensive independent study with supervision from a tutor/s. Primary scientific sources should be used to a significant extent in addition to a thorough grounding in the secondary literature.

Chester blend will provide all relevant support during the second half of level 5 so that students can be allocated to a supervisor before the end of the academic year to enable them to collect data during the summer if necessary for their project (or if preferred). Guidance will also be given on procedures that need to be carried out before any data is collected, e.g. ethical permission and risk assessment.

A small number of lectures will take place during the module to advise on what is expected of students, how to present data and organise work. Students will mainly be prepared for the dissertation during modules in levels 4 and 5 in modules such as Research Methods.

Module aims:

To enable the student to engage in research, development and/or interpretation of a selected topic relevant to their programme of study through the scholarly use of primary and other sources.

Module content:

Content will include some or all of the following:

1. Toxins and Toxicity - definitions and classification

2. Toxicity testing procedures and terminology. Toxicity data analysis and limitations.

3. Responses to toxicant exposure and levels of organisation. Inter and intra-specific variation, genetics and environment.

4. Metabolism of toxins. The central role of the liver and liver damage.

5. Metabolism of toxins. The cytochrome P450 system. Detoxification and excretion.

6. Case studies of selected toxicants: distribution, mode of action, metabolism and detection.

7. Xenobiotics e.g. dioxins and PCBs

8. Synthetic insecticides e.g. organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides

9. Biotoxins e.g. Botulinum, algal toxins, ricin, aflatoxins

10. Heavy metals. e.g mercury, cadmium, lead

11. Forensic applications - Analytical technologies for scene of crime and counter-terrorism.

Module aims:

To develop an understanding of the mechanisms of toxic action.

To appreciate the importance of metabolism and genetics in the response of individuals to toxin exposure.

To develop an understanding of the analytical techniques and their deployment relevant to the field of forensic toxicology.

Module content:

Framework for module -reviewing the fields of animal behaviour and conservation biology: key concepts and an appreciation of the extent to which these fields are/are not integrated. This framework, and the areas outlined below, will form themes throughout the module rather than be simply presented sequentially. Exploration of understudied taxonomic groups will also be a key theme throughout the module.

Main areas of content: Reproductive behavioural biology - crucial but undervalued role in conservation; discussion (from critical evaluation of primary research) of how this can be improved. Captive breeding/in-situ/ex-situ conservation - critical discussion of the role of behaviour. Roles of zoos in conservation and behavioural research. Field-based vs captive animal behaviour research - techniques and approaches and their roles in conservation. Habitat loss/fragmentation - role of behavioural research in addressing these. Sustainable exploitation and human-animal conflict - role of behavioural research in addressing these.


Module aims:

To engage students with a key emerging research field at the interface between Animal Behaviour and Conservation Biology and encourage the integration of existing knowledge of animal behaviour in new contexts.

Module content:

Physiological control of migration, hibernation and navigation.

Control of movement and behaviour patterns.

The neurobiological basis of the biological clock, circadian rhythms, zeitgebers and sleep-wake cycle.

Implications of the biology of sensory systems for animal behaviour: photoreception, chemoreception, proprioception, audition.

Mechanisms and functions of pair bonding and parenting.

Neuro-endocrine control of reproductive behaviour, seasonality and oestrus cycles and emotions. 

Module aims:

 The module aims to develop an understanding of:

  • the interaction between physiology and animal behaviour
  • issues of current concern in a selection of areas of theory and research
  • the multidisciplinary nature of investigation into the physiological aspects of behaviour   

It also aims to enable the student to evaluate the strengths and limitations of research in the study of behavioural physiology.

Module content:

This module will discuss key areas in the field of Animal Cognition including the following: evolution of intelligence; individual learning; innovation; spatial cognition; numerical ability/quantity representation; tool use; self recognition; social knowledge; theory of mind; social learning; animal culture; animal communication.

Key skills that will be developed include: critical analysis of primary research papers; PowerPoint presentation skills; study design in cognitive research. 

Module aims:

This module will discuss and evaluate research in the field of animal cognition.  It will cover specific topics in animal cognition in more detail than previously delivered in Level 4 and Level 5 and will give students an appreciation of the breadth and depth of this field. This module will increase understanding of, and encourage the critical exploration of, many important issues within this area of animal research, whilst facilitating the development of students’ critical and evaluative skills through a focus on study design.


Main aims are:

To introduce, and expand upon previous knowledge of, current issues in animal cognition; 

To develop and extend the students’ use of appropriate evaluative skills in the critical appraisal of primary sources of cognitive research; 

To practise presentation and group discussion skills;

To improve study design skills through evaluation of research.

Module content:

Review of relevant genetic principles (phenotypes and genotypes, allelic frequencies, polymorphisms and DNA markers)

Levels of biodiversity (systematics and taxonomy)

Population dynamics (size and structure, geographical considerations)

Population genetics (idealised random mating, gene pool analysis, Hardy Weinberg principle)

Factors influencing the genetic structure of natural populations (genetic drift, gene flow, inbreeding depression, natural selection and allele fixation)

Metapopulations (divergence and fragmentation, bottlenecks and founder effects)

F- statistics and predictions of heterozygosity

Long-term viability and effective population size
(PVA, isolation, extinction, introgression and hybridisation)

Conservation strategies (conservation units, breeding programmes, restoration and genetic rescue)

Specialities within conservation genetics (landscape genetics, quantitative genetics, climate change science, cutting-edge technologies)

Module aims:

The module is designed to provide students with:

An understanding of the principles of conservation genetics to include genetic variation in natural populations, the conservational consequences of low genetic variation and the influence of population structure in this respect.

Theoretical perspectives and models will be linked to current conservation issues to include breeding and restoration programmes and genetic rescue strategies in natural populations.

Knowledge of the different applications of conservation genetics by using case studies to demonstrate different research fields within conservation genetics and to highlight cutting-edge advances.

Module content:

“Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology” explores individuals’ interactions with both the biotic and abiotic environments. This module will build on and expand the themes introduced in “Behavioural Ecology” at level 5 (although this module is not a requirement for BI6192). Key areas such as life history theory, sexual selection, cooperation & conflict, animal social networks, the evolution of animal personalities, communication & signalling, phylogenetic comparative analyses, social behaviour and the economics of decision-making will be explored in the context of current research areas.

Coursework will test students’ understanding of key theory and current research via the preparation of a science communication portfolio comprising e.g. educational resources for schools, popular science articles and blogs, social media, short videos, documentary proposals and public talks. 

Module aims:

  • To develop students’ understanding of animal behaviour and life history in the light of ecology and evolutionary theory;
  • To raise awareness of current advances in behavioural and evolutionary ecology and how they change the theoretic underpinnings in the field;
  • To promote critical evaluation of the applications of research in behavioural and evolutionary ecology to conservation practice;
  • To develop and assess the science communication skills essential for a range of employment opportunities.

Module content:

This module will build upon content delivered in level 4 and level 5 microbiology modules. Topics discussed will include:

  • Microbial pathogenicity.
  • Defences against microbial attack.
  • Antimicrobial and antiviral agents.
  • Human commensal flora.
  • Microbial diseases of selected organ systems.
  • Laboratory detection of microbes of medical importance.
  • Biofilms and quorate sensing.
  • Infection control.
  • Advanced epidemiology.
  • Ethical issues in microbiology.

Module aims:

This module applies the principles and skills of experimental microbiology, discusses the role of microorganisms as causative agents of infectious disease and examines the ways in which they may be controlled. The module particularly builds upon information covered in the Level 5 module “Applied Microbiology”, and complements the Level 6 module “Clinical Medicine and Immunology".


  • To appreciate the relationships that exist between aspects of human biology and microbiology.
  • To understand the factors that influence the establishment of infection and various methods of control.
  • To understand the process of infection and its effects on the major organ systems.

Module content:


  • Normal blood cell populations - overview of immunology and haematology.
  • Haematopoiesis and haemopoetic stem cells
  • Blood science laboratory processes - flow cytometry and cytogenetics
  • Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
  • Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)
  • ALL and Car-T cell immuno therapy
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes
  • Bone marrow transplantation
  • Coagulation and bleeding biological processes
  • Anaemias, haemorrhagic and thrombotic diseases
  • Blood transfusion
  • Pregnancy and neonatal haematology
  • Research and clinical trials
  • Screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease
  • Methods of collection of clinical samples that may be subjected to biochemical analysis
  • Principles and applications of biochemical investigations used for screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of disease, including near patient testing
  • Therapeutic monitoring/ drug monitoring.


Module aims:

The module aims to build on previous knowledge of immunology and haematology and focuses on haematopoiesis, haemopoetic stem cells and how the malignant and non-malignant haematological diseases develop. The module will encompass various aspects related to haematology laboratory testing and diagnostic procedures including routine haematology, transfusion and coagulation.


Modification of learning outcomes to streamline the module and to address the external examiners comments

Module content:

1- Principles and practice of clinical immunology, screening and diagnostics

2- Immune diseases and their mechanisms, including systemic and organ specific disorders

3- Immunology of body systems, including neuroimmunology and pregnancy

4- Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies

5- Immunology of tumours and neoplastic diseases and Immunotherapy.

6- Transplantation.

7- Prevention and Therapy of Immunologic Diseases.



Module aims:

The aim of the module is to give students an appreciation of the specialist area of clinical immunology in the biomedical sciences. The module will encompass various aspects related to clinical immunology such as the immunological basis of systemic and organ specific disorders, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Module content:

  • Parasitology in the context of inter-species relationships
  • Introduction to the important groups associated with medical and veterinary parasitology
  • The evolution of parasitism
  • Mode of transmission and parasitic life-cycles
  • Defence mechanisms-
  • Host Immune response
  • Behavioural changes, grooming, fever and chilling
  • Parasite immune evasion
  • Epidemiology
  • Zoonsis (transmission of infection between animal species other than humans and humans or vice-versa) 
  • Parasite ecology
  • Pathology associated with parasitism
  • Treatment and control measures

Module aims:

  • To gain an understanding of the host-parasite relationship within the wider context of inter-species associations.
  • To gain an appreciation of host defence mechanisms against infection and subsequent parasitic evasive strategies to allow survival  
  • To examine how infection might affect host behaviour.
  • To appreciate evolutionary , genetic and ecological factors which impact upon and define  the host-parasite relationship.
  • To acquire knowledge of pathology associated with high parasitemia and be aware of treatment and control measures employed to address these circumstances.