Personal Academic Tutor

lecturer helping student in front of laptop

Before you arrive, you will be allocated a Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) who will be a member of staff in your Division. Your PAT will provide you with academic advice and guidance, will be your formal attendance contact, and will monitor your progress for the duration of your programme of study. 

Details of who your PAT is can be found on the University App in the “Me" tab and on Moodle. Please note, you must have completed online enrolment in order to access Moodle.

Personal Academic Tutors at the University of Chester

Personal Academic Tutors at the University of Chester

Role of the PAT

PATs provide their students with:

  • At least three meetings during each academic year to discuss academic progress.
  • Subject-specific academic advice and guidance throughout the programme.
  • Support with personal and/or medical issues that a student may be experiencing that is impacting upon their ability to study or engage with their programme effectively.
  • Direct or refer students who are experiencing any issues to appropriate sources of specialist support within or beyond the University community.
  • Engage with the electronic attendance monitoring records of individual PAT students.
  • Contact and arrange meetings to support students who are not attending taught sessions regularly for any reason.
  • Maintain a general overview of each PAT student's academic progress.
  • Provide a final reference for PAT students upon completion or leaving the University.

PAT Meetings

For most students, your first meeting with your PAT will take place on the Monday of Welcome Week. It is important that you attend this initial meeting so that you can meet your PAT and establish clear lines of communication for the future. Your PAT will also advise you of the times in the week that they are normally available to meet you and how to arrange appointments.

Although the PAT role is primarily concerned with academic progression, you should feel free to consult your PAT at any time about any personal issues impacting upon your ability to attend taught sessions, study effectively or perform to the best of your ability. If your PAT cannot help you directly, they will suggest other sources of support, advice and guidance that may be available to you, both within and outside of the University.

Changing your PAT 

If students change programmes or move towards specific disciplines that are not within their PAT's area of expertise (particularly in the second and third years), then they can request to change PAT. If you wish to change your PAT, you should first speak to either your Programme Leader or Head of Division to discuss the reasons for the change and complete a form to formally request this. If your request is approved, then a new PAT will be allocated to you as appropriate.