Student Nurse Choir perform at Chester Cathedral
The University of Chester’s Student Nursing Choir will bring their musical magic to Chester Cathedral later this month.

The first-year students will be performing at 10.30am on Thursday, February 29. All are welcome to attend, and refreshments will be available.
The Choir will perform Shakira’s Try Everything, which will include signing with Makaton and This is Me from the soundtrack of The Greatest Showman.
The Choir will also perform on the 29th at Sanctuary Care’s Upton Dene Residential and Nursing Home in Chester, where they delighted residents with their music last year.
The students formed the Choir during their Creative Health placement which explores new and inventive ways to improve healthcare education and practice. The group has been working together as a team to explore the benefits of singing, both individually and as part of a group in the community.
The students have been taking part in music therapy sessions with performance company Making Maestros. They hope their performance will encourage others to sing and express themselves creatively to boost mental health.
The Creative Health placement is an award-winning placement in the category of Community Student Placement of the Year in the Student Nursing Times Awards, 2023. As part of this placement student nurses explore creative ways of improving health and wellbeing through working with external artists in music, art, and dance. The students also work with local charities and organisations exploring services available within the local community offering activities to support health and wellbeing.
The students have been working with Jennie O’Hare from Making Maestros to form a Creative Health Choir and will perform for the public at Chester Cathedral and for residents at the nursing home later that day.
University of Chester nursing choirs have also been formed at the Warrington and Shrewsbury sites.
Jamie-Lee Ireland, 38, from Liverpool, who is studying the BN Nursing (Learning Disabilities), said: “Being in the Choir has boosted my confidence and working as a team is lovely. Music and singing creates an upbeat feeling helping participants and listeners to relax and de-stress.”
Charlotte Carroll, Lecturer in Practice Learning at the University, added: “Our students have really enjoyed forming a choir and performing in the community. Singing is such a powerful way of bringing people together and brings so many health and wellbeing benefits to both performers and listeners.”
Tracy Mitchell, Home Manager at Upton Dene said: “We are delighted to welcome the Choir back again by popular demand. Music is a very powerful tool when it comes to enriching lives and our residents love nothing better than singing their hearts out.”