Staff Supporting Engagement
Personal Academic Tutors
Develop our model of personal academic tutors (PATs), including enhancement of the ‘PAT Pack’ resource hub, additional training, signposting and support and improved mechanisms for sharing and monitoring key data. We will ensure students are able to have a clear understanding of the role of the PAT and how this supports their academic and self-development. The Dean of Students and Lifelong Learning will oversee the PAT system with support from colleagues on relevant University working groups and committees.
Staff communications
Establish dedicated and clear channels for staff communications, aligned with our plans to transform student communications. This will enable us to ensure that staff are well briefed, have easy access to key information (including relevant communications sent to students) and are able to signpost and support students effectively.
Student engagement in the curriculum
We will support academic colleagues to embed student engagement into the curriculum through the work of the Centre for Academic Innovation and Development (CAID) and the implementation of the 2025 Academic Framework. Through CAID we will support both new and existing academic staff to engage students in innovative ways as appropriate to their discipline and this will be facilitated by TLInnovate.