Arthur Kelly
PGCE Primary Programme Leader

I assess plan and teach on a BA (QTS) primary course and also the PGCE primary and Early Years Programmes at 7. I teach at level 4,5 and 6 on a range of areas but my specialist area is teaching geography to Early Years and Primary (3-11) focused students. Additionally I work with our partnership schools and support them and the student is on placement. In terms of my academic background I am on the editorial board of the Journal Primary Geography which is a nationally recognised journal and as such I am involved in promoting good practice in the area of teaching geography to pupils aged 3 to 11 and beyond. As noted below I present at National Conferences in relation to this area. Senior Research Fellow as recognised by the UK Professional Standards Framework as awarded by the Higher Education Academy. Editorial Board of the Geographical Associations professional journal Primary Geography for 20 years. Board member of Teacher Education for Equality and Sustainability (TEESnet) a national group which explores these issues beyond the notion of Qualified Teacher Status. I assess plan and teach on the BA(QTS) primary course and also the PGCE primary and Early Years courses. I teach at level 4, 5, 6 and 7 on a range of areas beyond geography linked to Primary Education. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Mental Health First Aid Trained 2022
Teaching and Supervision
Teaching summary Levels 4 -7 at University and in student placement.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Board member - Teacher Education for Equality and Sustainability Kelly, A.J .(2023) Collaborative learning and teaching of geography - EYFS to KS2 Geographicl Association Annual Conference and Exhibition Kelly, A.J .(2022) Geography is… Primary Geography 106 Kelly, A.J .(2021) Can geographers be locked down? Primary Geography 105 P 30-31 Kelly, A.J .(2021) Editorship inc Comment Primary Geography 106 P4 Kelly, A.J .(2021) Tree-mendous learning and teaching Primary Geography 106 P5 Kelly, A.J .(2021) Geography in practice Primary Geography 106 P32