Geoff Elvey
Head of Division
Associate Professor Geoff Elvey is the Head of the Institute of Policing (IoP) at the University of Chester and has been in post since 1st November 2010. He has the responsibility for overseeing the delivery of all policing programmes, their quality assurance and compliance with regulatory bodies standards. Equally he has responsibility for ensuring that student enrolled with the IoP receive excellent student experience. Associate Professor Elvey is a member of the Higher Education Policing Forum and during his time as the Chair was instrumental in working with the Policing Professional Body the College of Policing in the implementation of the Policing Education Qualifications Framework. He leads a team of 16 staff including a number of academics, police professional’s and subject matter experts with over 300 years practical policing experience across a diverse range of policing tasks. Prior to joining the University of Chester Associate Professor Elvey was a serving police officer with Cheshire Constabulary, the majority of his policing career was working within criminal investigation in many diverse roles and ranks. He has gained extensive experience working in uniform, major crime investigation, intelligence management, covert operations, professional standards, working for the Home Office and investigative skills training. He led numerous complex criminal investigations and received both Constabulary, Judges and Criminal Justice Board commendations for his leadership, dedication and contribution to delivery of criminal justice in Cheshire.
Teaching and Supervision
Associate Professor Elvey maintains a teaching profile and teaches subjects in relation to Advanced Investigations and Decision Making in critical incidents. He also is a Hydra Facilitator in the University Immersive Learning Suite which puts students in fast moving complex situations where collectively they manage policing situation in a safe learning environment and develops their decision-making practice. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Associate Professor has varied range of research interest’s relation to policing and protecting of those who are vulnerable. His main interest is that of effective decision making during critical incidents and co authored a chapter Decision Making, What works in Major Investigations which was published in 2020 in a Routledge Publication titled ‘Introduction to Professional Policing , Examining the Evidence Base’.