Dr Jonathan Kyffin


Natural Sciences
Dr Jonathan Kyffin


Jonathan is a current academic member of the School of Natural Sciences focussing on the provision of teaching for Biological Sciences students.

Teaching and Supervision

Jonathan currently teaches Cell Biology and Biochemistry, and Introductory Microbiology and Immunology at level 4 for a range of undergraduate degree courses. At level 5 he is involved in the teaching of Biology of Animal disease, Research Methods and Microbiology for Animal Sciences. Additionally, he leads Forensic Toxicology at level 6 for toxicology and pathology students. Jonathan also spends time supervising students involved in laboratory based dissertation projects for final year students.

Research and Knowledge Exchange

Jonathan's main research interest is focused on the development and application of novel in vitro 3D models for toxicological investigations in parallel with in silico modelling and optimization. His work aims to bridge the complexity gap between classic 2D cellular platforms and more complex 3D and bioreactor systems in order to provide sufficient toxicological information for early decision making during the research of novel xenobiotics. Jonathan has other research interests including the evaluation of regulatory OECD guidelines and the establishment of novel modelling approaches for developmental and reproductive toxicology (DART). He is currently collaboratively working with colleagues from Liverpool John Moores University, the University of Liverpool and Syngenta Ltd.

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