Dave Price-Williams
Head of Academic Operations

Dave is Head of Academic Operations at the Centre, and module leader in three core modules taken by all Foundation Year students: University Study Skills, Independent Project and English and Academic Skills (International Foundation Programme only).
I’ve been teaching Foundation Year students (UK and International) since 2011, and have had the pleasure to meet and work with an incredibly diverse range of people. I have worked at Chester’s Centre for Foundation Studies since it was established, and am now Head of Academic Operations alongside managing the Engineering & Computing programme route.
My academic background and interests are quite varied: I studied biochemistry at undergraduate level, later trained and practised in English language teaching, later achieving a Masters by Research in English, and my current research interest is child language acquisition. As you may have guessed, I’m a big believer in lifelong learning! I’m also passionate about helping all students - regardless of background - to feel valued and ‘at home’ in a university environment.