Professor John Reid
Visiting Professor

Having retired from full time practice in the health protection field, where I held a variety of specialist roles including; Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, Director of Public Health in Sefton, and Director of Chester and Merseyside Health Protection Unit, I currently offer specialist professional support and advice as Honorary Consultant in Public Health in Shropshire.
I am Module Leader for MPH Programme Shrewsbury, covering Communicable Diseases in Public Health (PH7018) and also the Economics of Health (PH7020). I also offer a contribution to MPH teaching in Chester.
I am Honorary Consultant in Public Health at Shropshire Public Health Department, and offer support to public health professionals on their CPD and personal development.
My recent research interests are in forms of CPD undertaken by professionals.
I have a long-standing interest in health protection applied research. This includes communicable disease outbreaks and environmental incidents.
Examples – listed since 2010.
Vivancos R, Keenan A, Sopwith W, Smith K, Quigley C, Mutton K, Dardamissis E, Nichols G, Harris J, Gallimore C, Verhoef L, Syed Q, Reid J. (2010) Norovirus outbreak in a cruise ship sailing around the British Isles: investigation and multi-agency management of an international outbreak. J Infect, 60(6):478-85
Stewart AG, Luria P, Reid J, Lyons M, Jarvis R. (2010) Real or illusory? Case studies on the public perception of environmental health risk in the North-West of England. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 7(3):1153-73
Reid JA. (2014) Reflection as part of continuous professional development of public health professionals – further evidence (letter). J Public Health; doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdu017
Reid JA.(2016) Black box towards glass box: ‘Mapaloguing’ a typology of public health CPD activities in UK in 2011/12. J Public Health, doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdw027
- MA (Clinical Education) Edge Hill University (2014)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Clinical Practice, University of Lancaster (via Edge Hill College) (2007)
- Fellowship of Faculty of Public Health (UK) through distinction (1996)
- Membership (by examination) of Faculty of Public Health (UK) (1986)
- MSc (Community Medicine) University of Manchester (1986)
- Certificate in Health Economics, University of Aberdeen (1986)
- MB, BCh, BAO. National University of Ireland (1979)
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.