Dr Rebecca Crutchley
Senior Lecturer

Rebecca Crutchley is the Programme Leader for the Working with Children, Young People and Families (online) programme, and module tutor on several undergraduate modules at University Centre Shrewsbury, and University of Chester. She also teaches on the MA Educational Leadership programme. Rebecca is a member of the School of Education ethics committee and is a doctoral supervisor. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (SFHA). Prior to assuming her position at University of Chester, Rebecca was Programme Leader on the Early Childhood and Special Education programme at University of East London, and course tutor on the MA SEND programme.
Teaching and Supervision
Rebecca teaches across all levels of the Working with Children, Young People and Families programme and the Childhood Studies with Applied Psychology programme at University Centre Shrewsbury, and on a selection of undergraduate modules on the education programmes at University of Chester. She is currently a seminar leader on the MA Educational Leadership. Rebecca is currently acting programme leader on the Childhood Studies with Applied Psychology and acting co-programme leader for the Professional Doctorate in Education.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Rebecca completed her Professional Doctorate in July 2022. Her thesis explored was titled ‘An Exploration of the Retrospective Narratives of the Cultural and Linguistic Brokering Roles of Migrant Children Post-Resettlement’, reflecting her ongoing interest in children’s agency, bilingualism, migration, and marginalisation. Her other publications include: Lloyd, E., Edmonds, C., Downs, C., Crutchley, R. and Paffard, F. (2016) ‘Talking everyday science to very young children: a study involving parents and practitioners within an early childhood centre’ Early Childhood Development and Care, Vol 187 (2). Crutchley, R. (Ed) (2018) Special Needs in the Early Years: Partnership and Participation. Sage Publications. Crutchley, R. (2018). Legislation and Policy: Towards a Participatory Partnership. In R. Crutchley (Ed), Special Needs in the Early Years: Partnership and Participation (pp. 6-24). Sage Publications. Crutchley, R. (2018). Pupil and Parent Voice: Contributions to Assessment and Planning. In R. Crutchley (Ed), Special Needs in the Early Years: Partnership and Participation (pp. 45-63). Sage Publications. Crutchley, R. and Hunt, R. (2018). Early Intervention and Transition. In R. Crutchley (Ed), Special Needs in the Early Years: Partnership and Participation (pp. 114-131). Sage Publications. Levoguer, M., Taylor, B. and Crutchley, R. (2020) ‘Seminar capital: an exploration of the enduring social and pedagogical benefits of seminar engagement’, Research in Teacher Education. Vol 10 (1). Crutchley, R. (2020) Problematising resilience during times of change. BERA26 July 2020, available at https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/problematising-resilience-during-times-of-ch... Crutchley, R. (2022) Retrospective Narratives of the Cultural and Linguistic Brokering Roles of Migrant Children Following Resettlement [unpublished doctoral thesis]. University of East London, https://repository.uel.ac.uk/download/effd924aa5846a0025fe1b30fc89bacec5...