Stuart Paul
Programme Leader for MSc Marketing Management

Stuart spent a number of years in industry before developing his career in education and has since thoroughly enjoyed over 20 years’ teaching experience. Previously he taught across the different levels of the CIM programmes and since 2005 he has been a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Since joining the University of Chester his focus has been teaching a range of marketing modules at both undergraduate and post graduate level with particular interests in marketing communications, digital communications and marketing strategy. He has led the MSc Management programme and now focuses his attention as programme director of the successful MSc Marketing Management programme. He is also currently undertaking research into the exciting area of the role of brands in the B2B sector which reflects his interest in developing strong links between industry and education.
Teaching and Supervision
Stuart is an experienced educator currently delivering modules to postgraduate students on the MSc Marketing Management, MSc Digital Marketing and MBA.. He is also involved with undergraduate modules for students across a range of programmes.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Corporate Branding Corporate Reputation Management B2B Marketing Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing Communications through digital channels Service Marketing The role and use of the corporate brand in a B2B context