Dr Trevor Omoruyi
Programme Leader for MBA
Trevor joined the University of Chester in September 2016 from the University of Salford. where he taught on numerous undergraduate and postgraduate modules. Trevor is the current MBA programme Director at Chester Business School. Trevor is responsible for leading and managing the MBA programme. He leads the research and consultancy units within the MBA suites. He is a member of the Faculty of Science, Business and Enterprise (FSBE) Research Ethics Committee. He is also the Faculty Lead on Postgraduate Student Experience. He is involved in the programme development, teaching, and supervision of Postgraduate Research, Postgraduate Taught, and Undergraduate Students across the faculty. He seats as part of the International Student Working Group committee, and other key committees within the university.
Teaching and Supervision
Trevor is research methods expert, who is also involved in the development and delivery of several modules across PGR, PGT, and UGs. These include; Management Research in Action, Research Consultancy, Leading and Managing Ethically, Leadership, Marketing, and Strategic Management.
Research and Knowledge Exchange
Trevor is an expert in higher education marketing, particularly as it pertains to student experience and relationship marketing. His current research interests are on: Marketing HEIs, student experience, international student experience, sustainability, circular economy, and ethical leadership.