Bullying is hurtful and threatening behaviour that involves someone abusing their power over another person. It can make you feel weak, upset, embarrassed, scared, or belittled. Bullying can happen to anyone, no matter their age, but you might feel too ashamed to speak up if you think it's only something that happens to children. It's important to remember that anyone can be a target of bullying, and we must make it clear that this behaviour is never acceptable.
It can involve various behaviours, such as:
- Deliberately excluding someone
- Physical or psychological threats
- Misusing authority or power by those in higher positions
- Shouting at or being sarcastic towards others
- Excessive and intimidating supervision
- Making fun of or belittling someone
- Making inappropriate or insulting comments about someone's work
Is this happening in your University accommodation?
Your Residential Advisor can provide support. You can contact the Residential Life Team by emailing reslife@chester.ac.uk
Is this happening in your private accommodation?
If you live in a purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) including Tramways, The Towpath, Tudor Place and Granary Studios you should speak with the manager of the property. If you live in a shared student house you should approach your landlord or letting agent for help.
University support
The Student Assistance Programme is our dedicated student support which you can access free at any time, day or night
The Wellbeing and Mental Health team can provide immediate confidential advice and support for you and other students who may have been affected by bullying and/or harassment. You can make contact by emailing: studentservices@chester.ac.uk
Student Counselling is a free counselling service available for all students that provides a confidential, safe space for you to talk. You can make a self-referral by emailing: Student.counselling@chester.ac.uk
Reporting to the University
If you have been unable to resolve the situation informally you can report it to the University.
Students can make an appointment with the Wellbeing and Mental Health team to talk through reporting options.
You can report any incidents of unacceptable behaviours our Report a Concern platform.
You can report the incident to the Proctor's Office, which will conduct an investigation (where the perpetrator is another student), or refer the matter to Human Resources (where the perpetrator is a member of staff).
External support
The National Bullying Helpline Telephone: 0300 323 0169.
Your General Practitioner (GP) will be able to talk through support options available to you such as counselling and any health concerns you may have.
Mind are a national mental health charity offering a range of support for mental health and wellbeing.
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever's getting to you. They do not judge you or tell you what to do, they are there to listen. You can call them for free on 116 123 or by email: jo@samaritans.org