Unacceptable Behaviours reporting a concern

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At the University of Chester, we want our community to feel safe and supported. We believe our students have the right to enjoy their education free from unacceptable behaviours and are committed to educating our community through training and awareness campaigns. We are working hard to embed specialist support services and initiatives to ensure our students can trust us to support them if they do experience any unacceptable behaviours.

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A note on language

We use the term ‘victim’ and ‘survivor’ at various points within this information. Both terms have their place and serve different purposes. Although ‘victim’ is a legal definition necessary within the criminal justice system, ‘survivor’ can be used as a term of empowerment to convey that a person has started the healing process and may have gained a sense of peace in their life. It is up to you which term you use and our services will be guided by you when you engage with us.

This page contains detailed information about sexual violence, domestic abuse, so called “honour-based abuse”, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, hate crime, discrimination, bullying, harassment, stalking, spiking and terrorism. The content may be distressing or harmful to audiences.

You can exit the page quickly by returning to our homepage here.

If you are affected by any of the information and would like support, please contact studentservices@chester.ac.uk or call 01244 511 550.

Help in an emergency

Emergency Services

If you or someone you know needs urgent medical attention or support from the police, please call emergency services on 999. If you are in a situation where it isn’t safe to speak over the phone, you can still call 999 and press 55 on your phone’s keypad to be transferred to the police.

Alternatively, visit your nearest accident and emergency department at the local hospital which you can locate by searching here.

On campus Security

If you are on a University campus or in University accommodation, the security team are available to help 24/7. You can call Security on 01244 511541 or visit them at the Security/Porters Lodge (C4 20 on the campus map which is available here).

Support at the University

Harassment and Stalking

Information coming soon

a woman looking back as she walks indoors as a person wearing a hooded top walks behind her

Sexual Violence

Information coming soon

Domestic Abuse

Information coming soon