Report a concern
This page contains detailed information about sexual violence, domestic abuse, so called “honour-based abuse”, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, hate crime, discrimination, bullying, harassment, stalking, spiking and terrorism. The content may be distressing or harmful to audiences.
You can exit the page quickly by returning to our homepage here.
If you are affected by any of the information and would like support, please contact or call 01244 511 550.
If you or someone you know has experienced or witnessed unacceptable behaviour such as harassment, discrimination, sexual assault, abuse, bullying or hate crime, a terrorism-related concern, forced marriage, or so-called honour-based harms including female genital mutilation you can report it by using our simple Report a Concern tool.
Report anonymously
We understand reporting any incident can be a difficult decision, and why you may want to report anonymously. Making an anonymous report informs the University that something has happened.
When reporting anonymously, you will not be required to share any of your personal identifiable data. However, we will be unable to offer direct advice or support and you will not be contacted.
Please remember: reports made by or relating to staff, students or other users will be kept confidential within the appropriate University departments and not shared unless necessary. An individual’s information will only be disclosed outside of the relevant department under statutory requirements and data protection legislation.
Even if you are reporting anonymously, please remember that Student Services can signpost sources of support. You can contact Student Services via email: or telephone: 01244 511 550. These lines are monitored during working hours.
You can also make anonymous reports outside of the University to Crimestoppers.
Report with contact details
Acts of hate, harassment or violence are never OK and we want students to feel comfortable to be able to report and discuss these incidents and access appropriate support.
Students, Staff, Visitors and members of the public can report or disclose an incident they have directly experienced or witnessed and can access support. This page will show you how and where you can disclose and report an incident.
Students are welcome to talk through their options for reporting with a Wellbeing Adviser before making any decisions.
You can also contact us via or call Student Services on 01244 511550.
Report an Unacceptable Behaviour to the police
The Police have specially trained officers who are experienced in helping survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence, harassment and hate crimes.
You can make a report to the Police at any time; it doesn't matter how long ago the incident occurred.
If your personal safety is threatened, call 999
If you are not in immediate danger, call 101
Police treat all reports seriously and will follow every possible line of enquiry in an attempt to bring a perpetrator to justice.
You can visit the following websites for more information:
- Cheshire Police (Chester and University Centre Warrington)
- West Mercia Police (University Centre Shrewsbury)
- Merseyside Police (University Centre Birkenhead)
If your local Police force is not listed above you can locate your local force.